InsaneJournal Announcements

Database move complete

InsaneJournal Announcements

Database move complete

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I have completed moving all of the users to the new database. This means that site performance should begin to pick up.

I am still looking into the errors you are getting while commenting. If you see an error that shows that the database is unavilable when commenting, your comment has, most likely, been posted even though you see the error.

If you are still getting an error that says your journal is in read only mode, please let me know. Also if the error is only happening when posting to an asylum, please let me know what asylum.

Edit: I think I tracked down the "Database not available" error. It had to do with subscriptions. So to resolve this, I temporarily had to run them off. I will look into it more tomorrow evening. Please let me know if you are still seeing these errors on the site.
  • I'm not seeing an error, but I tried to delete and re-up my one "lost" little icon, and while everything acted like it was working, nothing actually happened. Are the userpic servers still locked up somehow?

    Thank you again for all your hard work!
    • I've been having the same problem with uploading my lost icons.
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