September 25th, 2015



[No Subject]

So I finally caved and brought in my second charie!

For anyone who watches totally won't be familiar with Sherrinford. Mainly because he's so vague he's not even mentioned!Well, he was, once, but not by name.

Basically, Sherr is the either the middle child or the baby of the family,I'm not really sure but it's around there somewhere. He's also the most normal of the Holmes brothers. So much so that he was deemed boring and, as thus, never mentioned anywhere. Shame, really, as he's quite a people person!And can tend to be a big dork about things.

He may also harbor a large amount of irritation for Mycroft and Sherlock, sorry if anyone plays them!That's just how he is. I mean,what lovely brothers he had to grow up with, right?



[No Subject]

Steve again, with another two characters.

First is Miracle Antonia Olsen. She's a mutant with a difference. She is the result of an experiment in mutagenics which attempted to make an entire mutant army through artificial
insemination. Only a handful of such mutants were successfully created. When she was captured briefly as a teen, she was shown the warped corpses of what she had been told were the other subjects. To the best of her knowledge,
Miracle is the only subject still alive, fit and healthy.

The second is Sherlock Holmes ([info]sociopathholmes) from BBC Sherlock. He comes in just after the Reichenbach Fall. Literally. He looks forward to collaberating with the local
police department and setting himself up as consulting detective.

Both are ready for plots. Especially Miracle, who has been giving me a headache for some time.