December 17th, 2013



[No Subject]

Hi everyone.

My name is David, and Julia recommended this place as a great place to RP. So I bring thee one Brittany S. Pierce, from Glee. She's coming in from Season 4, episode 4, after the breakup with her lady lover, Santana Lopez.

Brittany is an equal opportunity lover of both men and women. She's the only person who's ever gotten a 0.0 GPA. While not "smart" in relative terms, she is very understanding and can manuever through social situations. She's also blunt at times, though it comes from an inability for certain social cues.

She's a good singer and a great dancer and was currently a senior (for the second time) in High School.

I'd love plots and everything else!




[No Subject]

Katie here, with... well, another one. Another Yog, in fact. This is Lalna, the resident mad scientist of Honeydew Inc.

'Mad' being entirely relative within the Yogs, of course. He's actually pretty sane, and rather lovely. Just ignore the occasional explosions and the portals that lead you into increasingly strange places.