3rd August 2009

[info]worries in [info]an_ill_wind

Owl to Rosalind Rookwood

Owl to Rosalind Rookwood )

[info]truthseeker in [info]an_ill_wind

Owl to Mrs. Rookwood )

Owl to Mr. and Mrs. Rookwood )

[info]dumblebumble in [info]an_ill_wind

03 August 1980

Who: The Order of the Phoenix
What: Potluck dinner/meeting
When: Monday evening, 6pm-ish
Where: The safehouse in Leeds (aka, #2)
Rating: Gen (?)
Status: IC/OOC; comment (if you like) your characters' reactions to what's being discussed (each topic will be a new comment header), what they brought for foodstuff, etcetera.

... )

[info]cupcake_ in [info]an_ill_wind

Who: Greta Catchlove and Gideon Prewett
What: A very important running into
When: 03 August, 1980- early evening
Where: Gideon and Fabian's flat- The Garden

Rating: PG
Status: Completed Log

And in this crazy life, and through these crazy times. It's you, it's you, you make me sing. You're every line, you're every word, you're everything. )

[info]bonesie in [info]an_ill_wind

3 August 1980

Who: Edgar & Calypso
What: ... weird pillow talk?
When: Monday evening, after the Order meeting
Where: Their bedroom
Rating: Low
Status: Completed log!

Dear Lord Mort, we made you these delicious treats as a peace offering, Love The Order )

[info]bonesie in [info]an_ill_wind

4 August 1980, around 6am to wake her up

Owl to Dorcas Meadowes )

[info]notsoeasy in [info]an_ill_wind

WHO: Arthur and Stu

WHEN: Sunday, 02 August 1980 (early afternoon, before Stu's date with Marlene) -- BACKDATED
WHERE: The kitchen at Stu's parents house, Hull, Yorkshire

WHAT: Arthur needs to talk
RATING: PG-13 for some swearing
STATUS: Completed log

The night of the full moon had been a living hell for Arthur )

[info]espionne in [info]an_ill_wind

WHO: Augustus and Rosalind
WHEN: Monday, 03 August 1980, late afternoon/early evening
WHERE: Their villa in Provence
WHAT: Honeymoon
STATUS: In progress

Provence was magnificent, as always, and Rosalind wished they could stay far longer than a week. )

October 2009



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