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WHO: Tracey Davis and Daphne Greengrass
WHEN/WHERE: Daphne's office
SUMMARY: Two friends, having lunch and catching up.

Sunday's afternoon shift was going slowly and Tracey had become quite bored... )


Who: Angelina Johnson & George Weasley
Where/When: Their... home. Ha.
Rating: PG-13?
Summary: Because George is doing something in their backyard and Angelina doesn't like it.

What the hell was he doing, anyway? )


Who: Blaise and Tracey
Where: Pub
What: Drinks
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

Read more... )


Who: Rose Coote and OPEN!
Where/When: 24 May, afternoon, Diagon Alley
Rating: TBD
Summary: Rose spends some time shopping in Diagon.

Unable to sit in the office any longer, )




Package delivered to Stewart Ackerly, May 19th )


Package sent to Stewart Ackerley via Owl Post, Thursday morning )


Who: Parvati Patil & Ramona Hardy
Where/When: 18 May, afternoon, Diagon Alley
Rating: TBD
Summary: What do girls need after being pricked and pinched and hemmed and measured for two hours? Ice cream. Lots of it.

I would say I'm never getting married again, but that's kind of the plan anyway... )


Who: Marcus & Tracey
Where/When: Monday evening. De Luca Housing in Diagon Alley is obvs where all the fun is.
Rating: TBD, thank you.
Summary: It's off season. Marcus is bored, and Tracey is like three floors down.

He had the urge to pay Tracey a visit. )


Who: Adrian & Stew
What: Uh. :I
When/Where: Thursday night. De Luca Housing, Diagon Alley.
Rating: TBD

Stew was going to kill him. )

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