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Jul. 22nd, 2009


Who: Piper Knightly, Isabella Barbary, Albus Potter
When/Where: Late afternoon/Spare classroom (Charms Corridor)
Rating: PG
Summary: Piper meets up with Bella for their usual weekly tutoring session. She is unaware that her friend and Albus are plotting to set her up with a date for the Halloween dance.

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Mid-Night Snack

Who: Isabella Barbary, Caroline Spungen
When/Where: Night/Hall & Kitchen
Rating: PG
Summary: Isabella meets up with Caroline as planned to chat about recent happenings and just to hang out.

Believe in the Gift of a Friend )

Jul. 20th, 2009


Who: Piper Knightly, Isabella Barbary, OPEN (For others that want to chime in on Bella's choice in boys)
When/Where: Outside Great Hall/Late morning-Mid afternoon
Summary: Piper finally gets a chance to talk to Isabella about what happened last week on the quidditch pitch... And add her two cents in on what she thinks about her friend's choice in boys.
Rating: PG

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Oct. 19th, 2023


Letters and Such

Who: Isabella Barbary, Albus Potter
When/Where: Owlery/Night
Rating: PG
Summary: Isabella goes up to the owlery to send a letter to her parents and to wait for Albus. So that they can spend time together.

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Sep. 29th, 2023


"Friendly" Disagreement

Characters: Isabella Barbary, Piper Knightly, Open
When/Where: Hallway (library corridor)
Rating: PG
Summary: Isabella meets with Piper outside the library (to minimize the chance they will be overheard, in theory any how) to discuss a prior arrangement. The conversation does not go as planned and leads to a minor disagreement.

Isabella stuck her head out of the library door to make sure that there was no one around. The casual passing student did not bother her. After all, it could not look to suspicious two friends meeting in the library before parting ways. Her meeting with Piper was not going to take long. Just a quick exchange.

"Come on Pip." Isabella said gently as she tugged her friend out into the hallway. "What are you so worried about?"

Isabella raised her eyebrows slightly sensing an uneasy feeling radiation from her friend. Honestly she could not see why she was so uncertain. Either way, Isabella was careful to keep her expression and tone of voice light. She did not want to to come across that she was desperate for Piper's sleeping potion she had made for her. The reality was she was desperate. She had not slept in almost a week and she wanted at least one day of sleep. The quality of her schoolwork was starting to slip and she could not allow that.

Of course, she knew what Piper was going to say, she was going to say she needed to deal with her problems without magic. So cliche. Even though a part of her wanted to admit that the girl was right. It had helped the other night when she had talked to Albus, but she did not want to keep imposing on him; even if he was more than willing to talk to her. The truth was she was afraid to let him in any further or anyone else in at all.

"I promise I won't ask you again. Just this one..." Isabella's blue eyes pleaded softly with her friend. "I just need one night of sleep."

Sep. 27th, 2023



Characters: Piper Knightly, Isabella Barbary, January Moonbeam, Albus Potter, Caroline Spungen, (Rose Weasley and Scorpius Malfoy at some point), and whoever else wants to join in
When/Where: Hogwart's Great Hall/ Hogsmeade
Rating: TBD
Summary: The group meets up in the Great Hall before heading off to Hogsmeade. There they are going to hang out, visit shops, and celebrate January's birthday. At some point they will meet up with Rose and Scorpius.

Piper glanced around the Great Hall quickly. There was no one in sight. Well, no one that she was waiting for any how. She was waiting for January or Isabella. Although, she was sure Isabella had recruited more people, since she said she was going to. Since she was a little early any how, she leaned against the wall and waited.

The scene was one typical of a Hogsmeade weekend. There were many students, all third years and up of course, gathering to find their friends and be allowed out of the castle. Piper rather liked Hogsmeade weekends because they were allowed out of Hogwarts for once. It allowed a chance to escape the drama and homework of the place. Also, it was a place where so many distinctions were not made based strictly on which house you belonged to.

Reaching into her pocket, her hands brushed against a tiny vial she had placed there. It was the sleeping potion she had made for Isabella. It was finally ready. Yet, she was unsure if she wanted to give it to her. In her mind she was enabling her to use magic to avoid dealing with her problems. She sighed heavily.

At least the storm had died down. The weather was still a bit windy and overcast, but it was no longer raining. Piper was glad for that. Other than the dreariness it was a nice day. Storms were never her favorite thing she so was glad it was over.

Piper ran a hand through her long chestnut locks fighting the urge to check her watch. She was still sure she was early, but she was impatient. It was something she could not deny. So, she stood there and waited for the rest of the group to show up...

Sep. 17th, 2023


Birthday Surprise

Characters: Isabella Barbary, Piper Knightly, OPEN
When/Where: Breakfast/Great Hall
Rating: G/PG
Summary: Breakfast... and Isabella's grand plan to wish her friend a happy birthday. Her philosophy is to make it cheery and a big event. In her head, everyone likes some recognition and celebration. Of course, it includes singing.

Isabella smirked as she walked into the Great Hall. In the beginning of the week, she had been mildly irked at the fact she had only had a few days to plot. In the end, it did not matter. She knew what she wanted to do and it had only taken her a few hours to decide. After this she was sure none of her friends were ever going to let her find out when their birthdays were. Still, she was determined to find out any way. First on the list? Piper.

She was not a hard girl to find. About half way down the Hufflepuff table sat the brunette busy with her breakfast and reading the Daily Prophet. Isabella smiled brightly to herself. The first part of her mission was complete. She had located the girl and now she could move onto the next part of the birthday plan.

"Good morning, Piper..." Isabella said with a beaming smile as she slid causually onto the bench beside her friend. Sliding one arm around her shoulders. She was trying to be inconspicuious, but she knew it showed on her face that she was up to something. "So, guess what today is...?"

The girl groaned in response to Isabella's question. It was evident where she was going with her line of questioning. Isabella was perfectly aware that the girl was shy and hated attention. Or so she claimed any how. But, on a birthday one was intitled to some extra attentions, gifts, and people to be nice to you.

"Today's your birthday!" She let out a cheer as she got to her feet. Time for the next step in her grand plan.

Isabella tossed a bit of colorful confetti into the air. Then, she started singing. Her voice was strong and easily carried in the room. Easily her voice raised and dipped to cover a range of notes and perfectly maintained the melody. After all, it was easy to sing happy birthday to someone. When she had finished she tossed the rest of the confetti on the girl's head with a cheer.

"Happy birthday!!" She beamed at everyone else, of course she had attacted plenty of attention to them now, and she sat back down.

"Here..." Isabella reached into her bag and pulled out a carefully wrapped gift. "A birthday present." She glanced around. "Best not open it here though..." There were too many professors around and her singing had caught people's attentions. There were some things in the box she was pretty sure were not allowed at Hogwarts technically. "You'll like it... I'm certain."

Sep. 16th, 2023


A Bit of Fun

Characters: Isabella Barbary, Piper Knightly, OPEN
When/Where: Hogwarts Hallways
Rating: G/PG
Summary: Weasley's Wizarding Wheeze products have found their way into Hogwarts. Like a "good" student, Isabella has decided to join in on the fun and risk the wrath of Filtch. Who doesn't like a little bit of mischief once in a while?

With a wide grin, Isabella glanced down the long hallway. There was no sign of Filtch in sight. That was definately a plus for her. Some how, even though she could take a guess as to how, Weasley Wizarding Wheeze products had found their way into Hogwarts. She was sure it would make for an interesting day. Tucked away safely in her bag was several Wildfire Whiz-bangs. A sure way to brighten up any one's day.

Up ahead, she caught sight of familiar long brown locks. Piper Knightly. Here was their chance to cause a little mischief and get away with it. At least, that was the plan. Filtch was known for popping up at unexpected moments. Although, she was pretty sure the odds were in their favor today. He would be chasing around more students with joke products than he could ever imagine. They all could not get caught at once.

Reaching into her bag, Isabella pulled out a specific Wildfire Whiz-bang. It was a dragon one. With a simple flick of her wand, the firework ignited and flew down the hallway. The golden dragon, comprised of several golden clusters of sparks, roared as it flew. As it roared, it sprayed the hallway with miniature fireworks in hues of sapphire, ruby, and emerald.

Coming up behind Piper, Isabella gently grabbed a hold of her arm. "So, whatcha think?" She grinned widely at the girl.

Ahead of them, a few startled first and second years let out small screams. After a moment their screams turned to gasps of delight. They were pleased with the show. She now only had to hope Professors or even Filtch did not happen upon the scene. Then again, it would be hard to determine just who had let the fireworks off.

Jun. 14th, 2009


Tutoring Session

Characters: Piper Knightly, Isabella Barbary, & Rose Weasley
When/Where: Hogwarts lawn
Rating: G/PG
Summary: Piper goes to meet her new Charms tutor Professor Flitwick set her up with.

Piper sighed heavily as she made her way across the lawn at Hogwarts. She did not see why the girl wanted to meet outside, but she wished the girl would have choose some place like the library. Then again, she did not mind being outside. It was sunny, a slight breeze, and very few fluffy clouds scattered across the sky. It was a nice day.

There was a leafy tree casting a large shadow that was free of the heat of the afternoon sun. It would be a cool place they could practice summoning charms. She needed all the help she could get. The best Pip could do was pronounce the spell right let alone get the object to come to her. The girl that was suppose to be tutoring her better have some patience, Pip thought to herself.

Throwing herself down on the lawn, Pip watched the various people stroll by. With each one that went by she wondered where her tutor was. If the girl coming was her or not. Although, she was pretty sure she would notice the girl by face but not by name. There was not too many Ravenclaws that she knew. If she was any typical member of her house least she would be smart.

While she waited, Pip wondered what the girl did to get talked into tutoring her. She could not see her volunteering willingly. That means she had to do something wrong. Maybe it was to get out of detention? Her mind readily came up several different scenarios. Each likely but since she did not know the girl she was not sure which one was the right one, or if any of them were.

So, Piper waited until the girl showed up...

Jun. 9th, 2009


Passing Time

Characters: Isabella Barbary & (open)
When/Where: Hogwarts, Library
Rating: Probably PG or G.
Summary: Another day in the library: musky books, students cramming in last minute homework, book worms, and of course gossiping.
Status: Incomplete

Isabella wrinkled her nose as she walked into the library. The air smelled of dust and musky old books. One would think as many times as she had been in the library, it was practically her second home at Hogwarts, she would get used to the smell. She never did. After a while she adjusted to it, but she never got to the point where she did not notice it. It was just part of what made the library, the library.

Quietly, she made her way to a vacant table. In one fluid motion she slung her bag off her shoulder and onto the table. It made a loud thud and caused several students to look in her direction. She had interrupted them. Isabella ignored their stares.

There were a few things on her mind. The main thing was the annoyance of having potions in an empty class room. Surely, they could practice potions any where really, but it had not made Professor Slughorn in an agreeable mood. As a result, they had been assigned a long report.

"Honestly..." Bella grumbled to herself as some first year students passed by contemplating some simple assignment. They were being louder than necessary.

With a shake of her head, Bella slipped into a chair and pulled out her potions book. She propped it open and started reading. After a few sentences her attention span waned and she started watching the other students in the library. There was not much to see other than people reading, working, or chatting quietly.

The topic of the day seemed to focus on McGonagall's speech the night before. It was the same typical stuff," Don't believe the fliers... Muggle bashing is strictly forbidden...Punishments will be handed out... ect, ect, ect." Stuff they had all heard before. Stuff that some disregarded. But, she was sure she had to say that any how.

Propping her elbow on the table, Isabella rested her chin in her palm. She kept watching the flurry of movement from the people around her. Her thoughts would continue to wander until she was interrupted...

Sep. 3rd, 2023



Characters: Isabella Barbary, Ravenclaws, and whoever else.
When/Where: Hogwarts, Great Hall
Rating: Probably PG or G.
Summary: Typical breakfast at Hogwarts. Conversation, mail, and maybe something good to eat.
Status: Incomplete

Walking into the Great Hall, Isabella glanced up at the enchanted ceiling. After six years at Hogwarts it had become second nature. Today the "sky" was overcast and dismal. The only thought in her head at the moment was that at least it could be sunny. Getting up and going classes was hard enough and a little bit of sunshine would have made it a touch easier. If only she could change the weather.

After a moments glance, Bella redirected her attention to her surroundings. Off to her left a few first years, Gryffindors she believed, hurried in one after another. She smiled slightly. It reminded her of her first days. The days when you always traveled in pairs because you were afraid of getting lost; the days when getting lost was almost certain. She was not sure she would go back to those days, but she was able to look back nostalgically upon them.

Unconsciously, her hands fluttered down to her robes and she straightened them out. With a soft sigh she too made her way across the room.  It was not that she was nervous about school starting, she had done this exact thing hundreds of time before, but her stomach let out a small growl. She was surprised how much energy and effort had gone into her activities yesterday and last night.

Since it was still a little bit early, Isabella had no problem finding an open stretch of table. There were few students there. The rest would stumble in the next few minutes she was sure. Most of the student population in the room was anxious first years. Anyone else already knew their way around and was desperate for any last few minutes of sleep they could get.

Bella dropped her bag next to her and sank into a seat. Mentally, she completed a quick check list to make sure she had everything she needed. Books-check, parchment-check, quill-check, sense of humor-she thought it was good she left most of that at in her dorm. It was certain her professors would not appreciate a colorful sense of humor as most of them were pretty serious about the way their classroom was ran.

Softly, she sang under her breath allowing her voice to easily find and maintain a familiar melody. Singing was something that eased her mind. More than that, it was a habit she never really got out of. Anyone that knew her, knew that it was just something she did practically all the time. Especially, when she was nervous, needed to calm herself down, or was just in a good mood.

Isabella spread some jam on a piece of toast and looked out over the Great Hall. Still singing softly to herself. Meal times were one of the chances one had to not only talk to members of their own house, but members of others too. Surely, there was someone around that she could chat with...

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