June 14th, 2009

[info]pipknightly in [info]allsnotwell_rpg

Tutoring Session

Characters: Piper Knightly, Isabella Barbary, & Rose Weasley
When/Where: Hogwarts lawn
Rating: G/PG
Summary: Piper goes to meet her new Charms tutor Professor Flitwick set her up with.

Piper sighed heavily as she made her way across the lawn at Hogwarts. She did not see why the girl wanted to meet outside, but she wished the girl would have choose some place like the library. Then again, she did not mind being outside. It was sunny, a slight breeze, and very few fluffy clouds scattered across the sky. It was a nice day.

There was a leafy tree casting a large shadow that was free of the heat of the afternoon sun. It would be a cool place they could practice summoning charms. She needed all the help she could get. The best Pip could do was pronounce the spell right let alone get the object to come to her. The girl that was suppose to be tutoring her better have some patience, Pip thought to herself.

Throwing herself down on the lawn, Pip watched the various people stroll by. With each one that went by she wondered where her tutor was. If the girl coming was her or not. Although, she was pretty sure she would notice the girl by face but not by name. There was not too many Ravenclaws that she knew. If she was any typical member of her house least she would be smart.

While she waited, Pip wondered what the girl did to get talked into tutoring her. She could not see her volunteering willingly. That means she had to do something wrong. Maybe it was to get out of detention? Her mind readily came up several different scenarios. Each likely but since she did not know the girl she was not sure which one was the right one, or if any of them were.

So, Piper waited until the girl showed up...

February 2024

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