June 9th, 2009

[info]witchssage in [info]allsnotwell_rpg

Passing Time

Characters: Isabella Barbary & (open)
When/Where: Hogwarts, Library
Rating: Probably PG or G.
Summary: Another day in the library: musky books, students cramming in last minute homework, book worms, and of course gossiping.
Status: Incomplete

Isabella wrinkled her nose as she walked into the library. The air smelled of dust and musky old books. One would think as many times as she had been in the library, it was practically her second home at Hogwarts, she would get used to the smell. She never did. After a while she adjusted to it, but she never got to the point where she did not notice it. It was just part of what made the library, the library.

Quietly, she made her way to a vacant table. In one fluid motion she slung her bag off her shoulder and onto the table. It made a loud thud and caused several students to look in her direction. She had interrupted them. Isabella ignored their stares.

There were a few things on her mind. The main thing was the annoyance of having potions in an empty class room. Surely, they could practice potions any where really, but it had not made Professor Slughorn in an agreeable mood. As a result, they had been assigned a long report.

"Honestly..." Bella grumbled to herself as some first year students passed by contemplating some simple assignment. They were being louder than necessary.

With a shake of her head, Bella slipped into a chair and pulled out her potions book. She propped it open and started reading. After a few sentences her attention span waned and she started watching the other students in the library. There was not much to see other than people reading, working, or chatting quietly.

The topic of the day seemed to focus on McGonagall's speech the night before. It was the same typical stuff," Don't believe the fliers... Muggle bashing is strictly forbidden...Punishments will be handed out... ect, ect, ect." Stuff they had all heard before. Stuff that some disregarded. But, she was sure she had to say that any how.

Propping her elbow on the table, Isabella rested her chin in her palm. She kept watching the flurry of movement from the people around her. Her thoughts would continue to wander until she was interrupted...

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