Age of Miracles

March 14th, 2008

Age of Miracles


March 14th, 2008

Thread: Postman and Professor X

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Who: David de Souza and Charles Xavier
When: Friday, March 14, evening
Where: Xavier's office
What: David's underlying compulsion to be helpful can only be appeased for so long, especially before a Climactic Showdown.

It wasn't something David could just walk in and fix with a rhetorical question or two. )

Narrative: Magneto

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Who: Eric Lehnsherr
When: Evening, Friday, March 14, 2008
Where: Eric's bedroom, the White House, Washington D.C.
What: Magneto knows that battle is approaching and he contemplates what he feels is an inevitable showdown between him and his old friend.

Had he climbed too far? )

Log: Cyclops and Mary Jane Watson

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Who; Scott and MJ
When; March 14th, morning
Where; outside somewhere
What; Scott and MJ have another chat in which MJ dumps her problems on Scott and Scott tells her about her problems. It's really sweet, I swear.

But I can tell you that she and I will both be sitting here, waiting for men to come home and feeling useless. And that feeling doesn't change, no matter how different people are. )


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Who: The X-Men, the Brotherhood, and NPCs for all sides
When: Early morning Saturday, March 15 and moving into March 16, 2008 -- this battle will last at least two actual days, maybe longer, which will account for any "frozen" time if the thread stalls the rest of the game----this is a battle of such importance that it would make no sense if it only lasted one day.
Where: Washington, D.C.
What: The battle for governmental power in America begins! For the detailed battle plan, please see the OOC post about it. Characters not on the list who choose to show up can show up... whatever :) but the plan is there to keep people's heads from exploding.

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