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advena magia.

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[Apr. 2nd, 2010☼12:06 pm]
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who: Terry Boot and Ginny Potter
what: Terry is drunk off his ass
where: Three Broomstick's Pub
when: Evening
status: Closed, incomplete

making love to his tonic and gin )
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[Mar. 29th, 2010☼07:57 am]
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who: albus dumbledore | terry boot
what: awkward chats
where: their flat
when: morning
status: closed | incomplete
Albus had brought this on himself... )
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[Feb. 6th, 2010☼01:00 am]
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WHO: Albus and Terry
WHERE: Their house
WHEN: February 5th, afternoon
WHAT: Albus has been busy and Terry has been going crazy
STATUS: thread; in-progress
The wards could wait. Terry had cabin fever and was probably not in a good mood. )
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[Jan. 31st, 2010☼12:48 am]
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WHO: Terry and Sally-Ann
WHAT: Bad meat
WHEN: Lunch
WHERE: The inn's pub-like place
RATING/STATUS: TBA / In progress

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new years masquerade ball. [Dec. 31st, 2009☼03:00 pm]
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WHAT: The King hosts a masquerade ball in honour of the coming new year.
WHEN: December 31st 1001 / January 1st 1002; Beginning at eight in the evening.
WHERE: King's Palace; Ballroom.
RATING/STATUS: PG narrative / narrative & open to individual threads.

the silver lining of the end of the world. )
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[Dec. 18th, 2009☼10:06 pm]
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WHO: Albus and Terry
WHAT: A First Date
WHEN: Saturday Evening
WHERE: The House
RATING/STATUS: Rated R for fade to black/Incomplete

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[Dec. 7th, 2009☼08:58 am]
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Who: Albus and Terry
Where: The Building Site
When: Monday Afternoon
What: Albus and Terry update from non-dates to semi-kinda-maybe-dates

I try and just kick it, but what can I do? We've all got our junk, and my junk is you. )
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[Dec. 4th, 2009☼11:55 pm]
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WHO: Terry and Megan
WHAT: Platonic Pillow Talk
WHEN: December 4, Evening
WHERE: Terry's Room
RATING/STATUS: Default PG-13 | in progress

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[Nov. 30th, 2009☼12:02 am]
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WHO: Terry Boot and Albus Dumbledore
WHAT: Drinks, Romance Novels, and Court Procedure
WHEN: 30th of Nov, late evening
WHERE: Three Broomsticks Tavern
RATING/STATUS: Defaulted PG / complete

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[Nov. 18th, 2009☼04:41 pm]

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Who: Sirius Black and Terry Boot
When: November 18th, evening
Where: The Three Broomsticks
What: By 'somebody come cuddle with me,' Sirius obviously meant 'I am now going to scope out the friendlier and hopefully more attractive members of our little kidnapped community. And get them drunk if possible.'
Status/Rating: Incomplete/PG13 FOR NOW (because we all know Sirius will say something R-rated eventually. It's how he rolls.)

Beautiful boy on the beautiful dance floor; )
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