advena magia. [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
advena magia.

website mods.

[Mar. 25th, 2010☼11:23 pm]

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WHO: Rodolphus and Alecto
WHERE: The Death Eater house and then to the bookstore
WHAT: The new influx of annoying residents has left Alecto and Rodolphus wanting to kill something.
WHEN: Wee hours. Say 3 am?
RATING: Oh it's ganna be high folks.

Some itches just really need to be scratched. )
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[Mar. 18th, 2010☼09:51 pm]

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WHO: Alecto Carrow and Open
WHEN: March 18, evening
WHERE: Walking through the streets
WHAT: Alecto is resisting the urge to kill things.
RATING: Probably R just for Alecto's inner thoughts.

If there was one thing that Alecto could not tolerate, it was being toyed with. )
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new years masquerade ball. [Dec. 31st, 2009☼03:00 pm]
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WHAT: The King hosts a masquerade ball in honour of the coming new year.
WHEN: December 31st 1001 / January 1st 1002; Beginning at eight in the evening.
WHERE: King's Palace; Ballroom.
RATING/STATUS: PG narrative / narrative & open to individual threads.

the silver lining of the end of the world. )
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[Dec. 12th, 2009☼06:44 pm]

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WHO: Alecto Carrow and Theodore Nott
WHAT: Tea time
WHEN: Saturday afternoon
WHERE: The Death Eater Mansion
RATING/STATUS: We'll see, low to start.

Please, pass the biscuits. )
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[Dec. 9th, 2009☼06:20 pm]
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Who: "Death Eaters" aka Rodolphus' friends (I know he never has friends)
Where: The Death Eater mansion. Kind of like the Coors Light mansion with a lot more blood and less beer.
What: Planning?
When: Wednesday evening
Rating: Probably high for the THEMES

With our typically bad attitudes )
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[Nov. 30th, 2009☼11:09 pm]

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WHO: Alecto Carrow and Rabastan Lestrange
WHAT: A drink or two.
WHEN: after this.
WHERE: The bar of the Three Broomsticks
RATING/STATUS: PG-13 likely for language. Incomplete

When a madman thinks you're mad, perhaps you need to reevaluate your choices. )
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