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advena magia.

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[Mar. 9th, 2010☼11:14 pm]

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WHO: Remus and Sirius
WHEN: This evening
WHERE: Their room
WHAT: Oh, who knows? A little bit of luck action, perhaps.

we were both young when i first saw you )
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[Mar. 9th, 2010☼08:33 pm]

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Who: Sirius and James Sirius!
Where: The Three Broomsticks
When: Felix Felicis Day!
What: Just a boy and his idol, chillin' out, maxin' and relaxin' all cool.
Status/Rating: Incomplete/PG-13 for the inevitably foul mouths of drunken lads.

There ain't a cloud in sight; )
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rebel: the gathering; x marks the spot. [Mar. 4th, 2010☼05:14 pm]
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[march 4th 1002; morning.
note left on the bedstands of each person, to be found in the morning. unsigned, untraceable. each note is heavily warded to be viewable only by the recipient, if anyone else looks at it it will be blank.]

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[Feb. 16th, 2010☼05:31 pm]

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Owl to Severus )

Owl to Sirius Black )
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[Feb. 14th, 2010☼09:02 am]
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owls to Pollux Black, Callidora Black, Sirius Black, Daphne Greengrass, Remus Lupin, Violetta Black, Walburga Black, Druella Black, Irma Black, Hermione Granger, and after some debate Charis Black, Cedrella Black and Dorea Black (because they're cousins, too - and a sister) )
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[Feb. 9th, 2010☼03:36 pm]

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WHO: Lily Potter, [OPEN]
WHERE: the dungeons.
WHEN: February 9, 1002; noonish.
WHAT: The King arrests someone who is actually guilty of the charges, whether he knows it or not.
RATING: High PG at least.
STATUS: thread; in-progress
NOTES: Open to anyone, and as Lily wants to hear they're all as fine as they can be while locked in a dungeon, please feel free to comment at least once (free-for-all thread order) with your character in response to her! :D

She also hoped Remus would be able to convince her husband that he should -not- charge the dungeons the moment he had the ability to do so. )
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[Feb. 8th, 2010☼03:59 pm]

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WHO: Sirius Black (and...?)
WHERE: The Three Broomsticks --> The Palace Dungeons
WHEN: February 8th, circa noon
WHAT: Arrestings, dungeonings, PTSD
RATING/STATUS: PG-13 for LANGUAGE/VIOLENCE / Narrative (but open-ended if another prisoner wishes to jump in.)

Still just a rat in a cage; )
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owls; to... a bunch of folk. [Feb. 2nd, 2010☼03:10 pm]
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[february 2nd 1002; morning.]
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[Jan. 5th, 2010☼07:52 am]
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Left on Sirius' bedside stand )
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[Jan. 2nd, 2010☼09:38 am]
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WHO: Morag MacDougal and Sirius Black (Remus if he wants)
WHAT: Veritaserum + Morag and Sirius = Oh nooooooo!
WHEN: 1st January 1002 (VERITASERUM DAY!)
WHERE: The Sirius/Morag Bedroom (Yes, Sirius... where the 'magic' happens)
RATING/STATUS: R to be safe for Morag and Sirius' mouths...

Is our secret safe tonight, and are we out of sight... or will our world come tumbling down? )
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[Jan. 1st, 2010☼09:55 pm]

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WHO: Sirius Black and Remus Lupin
WHAT: The boys really, really need to have a chat; fortunately, Veritaserum will force them to do so!
WHERE: The Blupindougal suite in the Palace
RATING/STATUS: Let's be safe and say R for Sirius's mouth, potential melodrama, and UST / In Progress

Despite all my rage... )
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master gift post; from lilylu, dominique, tonks, and dorea. [Dec. 26th, 2009☼09:41 pm]

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Big post for all four! Also, If you think your character should have gotten a gift from one of my girls and I forgot them, DO TELL so I can rectify it. ALSO, the only reason this post isn't tagged is because I haven't gotten to it /yet/. Backdated to yesterday morning, okay.

presents to; lily & james potter, harry & ginny potter, albus potter, all weasleys, and owen gibbon. from lilylu. )

presents to; victoire weasley, fleur delacour, bill weasley, albus potter, and cards to all other weasleys/potters/teddy lupin. from dominique. )

presents to; sirius black, lily & james potter, teddy lupin, ted tonks, cassiopeia black, and cards to morag macdougal, harry potter, and (afterthought) remus lupin. from tonks. )

itty gifts from dorea to; lily & james potter, walburga black, sirius black & morag macdougal, cassie black, pollux & irma black, and jshfjsf there are other blacks that she probably would have sent things to but I'm too lazy to list anyone else, okay. )
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[Dec. 14th, 2009☼02:24 pm]
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WHO: Morag MacDougal and Sirius Black
WHEN: Monday around 9am
WHERE: Their rooms
WHAT: R for now
WHY?: Language, who knows what else w/ these two.
SUMMARY: Morag wanted a day to spend being cute with her Lover while Cassie's at school!
STATUS: Incomplete

How much pain has cracked your soul? How much love would make you whole? You're my guiding lightning strike . )
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[Dec. 11th, 2009☼08:40 pm]
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Note left on Sirius' Pillow )
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[Dec. 8th, 2009☼07:43 pm]

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WHO: Regulus and Sirius
WHEN: Tuesday evening
WHERE: The Leaky Cauldron
WHAT: Regulus doesn't want to be a liar anymore.
RATING: God only knows, this could get ugly.

take my hand and we'll make it, i swear )
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[Dec. 8th, 2009☼07:50 pm]

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Letter to Lena )
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[Dec. 6th, 2009☼06:41 pm]
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left outside the bedroom of Morag and Sirius for them to find )
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[Dec. 6th, 2009☼06:09 pm]
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WHO: Morag MacDougal & Sirius Black
WHEN: 6th December 1001, Afternoon, after THIS.
WHERE: Sirius and Morag's room.
WHAT: At least R for language.
SUMMARY: Sirius is upset, threw a book and Morag's going to deal w/ it.
STATUS: Incomplete.

I want to reconcile the violence in your heart. I want to recognise your beauty's not just a mask. I want to exorcise the demons from your past. I want to satisfy the undisclosed desires in your heart )
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owls to guardians and to petitioners that didn't "win". [Dec. 5th, 2009☼09:12 pm]
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[Dec. 3rd, 2009☼06:58 pm]

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Left on Cassiopeia's pillow. )
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