Posts Tagged: 'character:+selina+kyle'

Jan. 12th, 2016



Voice Post

Some assorted clacking, shuffling, and one bang.

Constantine, lay off the gin, he says. It'll get you in trouble, he says. You just got out of trouble...

There's a muffled mimic from John, something about trouble and deals in an affected tone.

Well, I bet he's having a laugh now.

Oh, it's a damn riot, you bastard.

Didn't see this one coming. ...never here the end of it.

A long pause.

Fuck's sake. It had to be electronic. Never trust--

The recording abruptly ends.

Jan. 11th, 2016



[No Subject]

I did not claw my way up from skid row to have some pocket-Hell switch out my Prada with Polyanna of the Goddamn Prairie. Now who the fuck took my catsuit. Someone's gonna pay with their skin

Jan. 10th, 2016



(accidental) voice post

[At first there is a flash of static, then among the light clicking of make-up articles on the marble counter, the voice of a woman fades into the speakers of every resident's PDA. A low, smooth alto in languid, lazy song. Singing alone, without music.]

...swayin' in the breeze.

Bend with me. Sway with me.

And if you think you have a way with me...

Stay with me.

Sway with me.