Add Me! - New or Old, We Want Friends!
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Previous March 23rd, 2008 Next


So, I'm [info]wolfalice. I'm shuffling over to IJ following months of discontent with LJ, and am of course looking for new friends here. I am a twenty year old student of English & Creative Writing, from England.

I'm active in fandom, so fandomish friends would be great -

Aside from the fandom stuff, I'm into fashion, cookery, archaeology, videogames, and books. I use baking as a form of therapy, tend to slip into ALLCAPS more than I should, and I love cars (if I were rich, I'd have an Aston DBS and a TVR Tuscan. I'd also probably kill myself in one of them :/). My politics are fairly left-wing. I'm an atheist.

When I was little I wanted to be an archaeologist. I still kind of do. Lara Croft is one of my greatest role models (but when I was little it was Indiana Jones ^__^).

I'll read pretty much anything and everything, but my favourite books are The Picture of Dorian Gray (Oscar Wilde), Frankenstein (Mary Shelley), Wuthering Heights (Emily Bronte), Good Omens (Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman), The Bloody Chamber (Angela Carter), and The Forbidden Game Trilogy (L. J. Smith). One day I hope to be as cool as Neil Gaiman.

Anyway. I hope to make some new friends here <3

Feeling : ditzy ditzy
Listening to: Distillers - Young Girl

NAME: Jonathan, or Leaveyoufordead

AGE: 20

INTERESTS; I really love Role-play, for the most part Harry Potter at the moment. I have a lot of original characters wandering around inside my head too, and tend to play vampires whenever I get the chance, either in a modern or historical fantasy setting.
I’m a student of Ancient History, I’d like to specialise in the history of homosexuality in Greece and Rome. I’m at university at the moment, hoping to go on and do a PhD and write some books on the subject when I’m done.
I’m also into photography, and have sold one or two prints online. I like architectural photography rather than portraits, etc, because I’m more interested in form and colour and line than emotion and human expression in photographic media.
I read, I like some anime and manga, especially Ghost in the Shell. I used to read a lot of yaoi, and although still like it, don’t collect any of the books like I used to. But when I did I had the full series of Gravitation, FAKE, and many other things along those lines.
I also live in a house with two naughty little kittens.
And I’m a website administrator of Cardiff University Sci-Fi Society, and I love Science Fiction dearly.
I’m a liberal of Jewish ancestry, European, and a supporter of human rights. This includes gay rights, gene therapy, and the right to common sense.

HOBBIES; For the most part, my hobbies reflect my interests.
I love role-playing, and am in the process of setting up a French-revolution based game with my fiancé. It’s called [info]toujoursliberer although it’s not really ready yet. At the moment, I’m more involved in the HP fandom, playing Lucius Malfoy, Antonin Dolohov, Igor Karkaroff, Evan Rosier and many other death eaters in my time. But I also enjoy several other film and TV based fandoms: NCIS, Pirates of the Caribbean, Lord of the Rings, StarGate SG1, Scarlet Pimpernel, etc. There is a long list in the “Interest” section of my profile, and that will give you a better idea.
I read, although not as much fiction as I’d like to anymore, but I do have time to read fanfiction, especially that based around the characters and pairings that I love. I often prefer my own personal fanon to the real canon, but I suppose everyone gets that way sometimes. I also like Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series, especially the Watch of Ankh-Morpork, his collaboration with Neil Gaiman on Good Omens. I like The Stainless Steel Rat books, which doesn’t seem to have much of a following any more, and I like Sharpe, Cadfael, Poirot, and the Regeneration series by Pat Baker, although it gave me shell shock.
I’m a fan of research, and especially projects that make published works, like the Classics, free to read and study online. I also like Wikipedia, for all its failings, and could spend hours and hours on it a day. I like ICHC, Engrish, and I love blogging. My email inbox is my home page.

LOOKING FOR; I used to write fanfiction although I’ve sort of lost the muses. I’d really like to get back into it, and so I’d really like some friends who would offer me inspiration and prompts for different things. I love to write for people (and get comments!) rather than just for writings sake. But I’d also like friends who wouldn’t mind doing strange little role-plays either over AIM or email or IJ or whatever. I'd like to get back into doing weird little role-plays on anything at all. Otherwise, if you think I sound vaguely interesting/amusing than I'd be glad to be friends with you.

ANYTHING ELSE; Random information about me is on my profile page. You can probably learn rather a lot about me through my icons too. You can also ask me random questions via IJ private messaging if you like. Please feel free to add me to your flist, although I warn you my blog is made up of more RL-stuff (especially bitching about my landlord at the moment) I hope to get back into posting Meta and fandom related things soon.

иιcσℓε [userpic]

NAME: Nikki
AGE: 21
INTERESTS; I love hollywood gossip, I'm into all sorts of music, graphic making, role-playing, writing, swimming...okay I'm just going to keep going if I don't stop
HOBBIES; writing and making graphics

I moved over here from greatestjournal, the name was the same so any friends that have made the switch, add! I'm also looking for new friends. The journal doesn't look like much at the moment but that's because I just got back into the swing of things. You should know that I do update a lot, and don't expect you to comment on every one, who has that time? I am though a comment whore, it's a positive thing if you ask me. I just want people to bond with! I love meeting interesting people, so I don't have any specifics, anything goes.

So uhm, friends?


Feeling : bouncy bouncy
Katey [userpic]

NAME: Katey
AGE: 17

I really love art, drawing, painting, carving wood/ name it, I probably do it if it's art. I listen to any kind of music except for rap, country, and really hardcore screamo/metal. Some of my favorite bands are streetlight manifesto, tegan and sara, freezepop, mayday parade, spill canvas, dresden dolls, say anything, senses fail, taking back sunday... and many more. My two all-time favorite movies are donnie darko and V for Vendetta. The only two shows I watch religiously on tv are desperate housewives and grey's anatomy. Right now i'm a senior in high school, and I plan on going to art school in the fall.

I also have an LJ, 0ut_0f_tim3, but thats friends only. This journal is open for anyone, but only because none of my friends know I made it, and none of them have an IJ, so I know theres no chance of any of them reading it. So basically.. I made this so that I could say whats really on my mind without having it start any bullshit within my circle of friends. But I guess i'm looking for some feedback or advice from people.

Need more friends!

AGE: 26

INTERESTS; american idol, americas next top model, beaches, celebrity gossip, fashion, LOST,martinis, the bad girls club, drinking,

HOBBIES; Shopping, Swimming, Tanning, Going on vacations, Jet-Skiing, Working Out, Yoga etc etc

LOOKING FOR; People around my age with some of the same interests as myself who update and comment when they can!

ANYTHING ELSE; Please be 21 and up ... ps thats me in my icon :)

Call Me Al [userpic]

NAME: [info]callmeal

AGE: Over 21

INTERESTS; Books, Painting, Being an Introvert, Writing, Computer stuff

HOBBIES; reading/writing slash and original fiction, creating website, web design

LOOKING FOR; I am getting interested in gay/bisexual themed movies from general audiences to adult. I opened this journal to talk about that genre of movies, and since it's the majority of I'll write about I'm looking for people to share their views and opinions on what I post and even give advice on what they enjoy as well.

ANYTHING ELSE; This is also a personal journal so it's flocked. Over 18 please. Something in the profile would be nice. Thank you.

Slyfoot [userpic]

My name is Sam, but I usually go by Sly online. I'm partially deaf, partially blind, and partially crazy. I'm the bookish sort, and fairly geeky. I enjoy reading, coding, SciFi, Fantasy, and making new friends online.

I'm interested in meeting all sorts of people, but particularly people who are over 30. I was born in 1967, so I feel pretty old sometimes. But I'm young at heart, honest! Sometimes I also feel a bit out of place because I'm not actually a bisexual female pagan slashfic writer--not that there's anything wrong with that. :P

I've been adding a lot of people lately, so I thought I'd post my own intro.

Jordan, 32, androgynous, eternally single and child-free. Dark, artistic, deep, introspective, self-destructive, internet-addicted, nihilistic, violent. I like anatomy and physics and Russian literature and German philosophy/cars/wine and Japanese music/food and a little bit of just about everything else. I'm a dancer, writer, and painter and I also work pro bono in animal rescue.

Age/blood type/color of your toenails is irrelevant, just be like deeper than your average mallrat and/or soccer mom. I do occasionally post about sex and drugs but not detailed or anything. I just write about my life and what and/or whom I have been doing.

If you don't think I sound like a total ---hole, let's be friends :D


Previous March 23rd, 2008 Next