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Previous March 24th, 2008 Next

I've been obsessed with the online journal client for about six years now. I really can't get enough journals to read.

NAME: Jordan
AGE: 22

Uh. I work at Starbucks in NYC as a shift supervisor. I'm looking for apartments right now (in either the Lower East Side, Riverside Drive, Williamsburg, or Park Slope - these places are in Manh and Brooklyn). I'm undersexed, overworked, overwhealmed, underjoyed, into Indie music, considering going into nyc nightlife photography to pass the time, sometimes party, sometimes isolate myself from the world, like the word fuck as both an action or a feeling (though always as a poetic device), learning now to finally use an SLR camera, write about relationships with men and women with equal uncertainty/fervor (i've always leaned more toward gay relationships but recently, I've been finding myself interested in a few women), slowly working on a fiction novel, perpetually on AIM, stressed, stressed, stressed, emotionally messy/unbalanced, stressed, into the show Skins, Adult Swim, i like gin and tonics, and stream of consciousness writing. Add me.

Robyn Summers [userpic]

I can be addressed by "Chipmunk" or "Robyn" I suppose, though that isn't my real name. I'm a 21 years old Third Culture Kid (moved around and lived in cultures different from my homeland/parents' culture) in Wisconsin, USA. I'm a thin-skinned Asian shivering in this Midwestern winter that seems to last for ages and springs up when we think it's spring-time finally!

Some things I'm told you shouldn't talk about to strangers, but I'll do so here!

Politics: Because I'm living in America, I follow some of the politics here. It's neat Barack Obama and Chelsea Clinton spoke at my college the day before the Wisconsin primary. :) I don't seriously follow the politics back home, and I would think my leanings are more liberal (especially compared to my home country's current government - I may be viewed as radically liberal) than conservative.
Religion: I decided a long time ago my parents' religion didn't fit with my beliefs, and so I am a closet agnostic. (Our national identification cards state our religion on them.) I am interested in other people's religions, especially if they are not the ones I usually run into (Christianity, Buddhism, Islam), but I would prefer to avoid people who feel they must evangelize to everyone.
Sex: I am very open about sex and my sexuality. Some of my posts talk about sex a lot. While there are things I wouldn't try or wouldn't try again, I'm not against anybody's habits so long as they don't hurt or demean any others. I also believe most of the time that prostitution should be legalized and a customer's morals and ethics is up to him/her-self and whomever they either believe in or people they will affect, rather than the government's.

Here is a link to my profile and a link to one of my three Amazon Wish Lists (books). I do believe what we choose to spend our money on (either materially or in charity or elsewise) shows a lot about our character.

Feeling : calm calm

I'm Kate. I'm pretty hilarious. Music is my passion. I have really weird obsessions from Nick Carter to movies. I love House. Best tv show everr. I'm almost 16, which is really exciting. Add me on my FO page. All I ask is that you comment me. [:

Hey, my names Keshia or Kay. Music and shows are my life, I'm in college. I came here after all the bull shit with LJ. But anyway, theres a lot of info about me on my profile and journal. Comment on my Friends Only page to be added. I love to leave comments!

Feeling : content content

NAME: Martha

AGE: 20

Asia, languages, taekwondo, fashion, music (rock, jpop, vk, kpop, etc.)

HOBBIES; Reading a good book, listening to my iPod, watching Asian dramas, taekwondo, chatting on with my friends.

LOOKING FOR; Someone who's honest, close to my age, and doesn't mind fangirling with me from time to time.

ANYTHING ELSE; I can draw really awesome stick figures D:

Feeling : exhausted exhausted

Hey im new here (just joined) but iv had an account like this before.
Looking for friends journals to read. 

im Female
 17 and from the UK

In to:

I dnt care what your sex is, where your from, whether your gay straight or lesbian.
Im easy to get on with.

more in my user info

comment here or just add i dnt mind 


Feeling : curious curious
Previous March 24th, 2008 Next