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Jun. 3rd, 2011


[info]rogerebert we currently have 0 secrets, which really puts a damper on the weekly post. Help us out by submitting your secrets by 10 PM EST, because we know you enjoy our company.

Mar. 25th, 2011


Don't forget to submit your secrets by tomorrow night at 10pm EST!

For those of you participating in secret buddy secrets this week, they're due by 9pm EST tomorrow night!

Currently, we have 10 secrets, which means we definitely need more!

Mar. 20th, 2011


If you want to sign up for a secret buddy, tomorrow night at 8pm EST is the deadline.

Also, our secret count is currently at 0, so submit some now!

Mar. 14th, 2011


Don't forget to sign up for secret buddies!

Feb. 28th, 2011


Secret buddies have been selected and comments have been sent out! If there were any issues, please comment this post with your concerns, and we will fix them ASAP.

The theme for this week is Crack Pairings. Secret buddy or not, tell us who you ship in the community. We'll never tell. Secret buddies may, but do not have to, stay on theme, just like all other secrets. We're not picky, just greedy, so give us more than the two we have.

Feb. 16th, 2011


All right, [info]rogerebert, secret buddies have been assigned, check your journals! Secrets are due Friday by 10PM est. Please do not submit your "secret buddy" secrets anonymously so we can be sure that all of you lovely folks are participating. No one but me will know who you are. Don't worry about about others finding out who you are, which means you're welcome to be as nice or as mean as you want. Make sure that you submit!


Just a few more hours to sign up for a secret buddy this week!

Not getting a secret buddy? We'll still take your secrets anyway. Our count is up to seven, but we're greedy and want more.

Feb. 4th, 2011


Less than four hours and NO secrets? Only you can prevent secret-free Fridays.

We ended up with only a few secrets this week, [info]rogerebert. If we can get enough by 11PM est, we'll see you then. Go!

Jan. 20th, 2011


Happy hump day! Just a reminder that it is getting closer and closer to Friday. We need enough secrets to make a post. We know there's built up resentment and hate in there - we check Twitter. Now is the time to share the hate love.

Jan. 14th, 2011


Secrets in a few hours. Have you submitted yours?

Jan. 12th, 2011


We need more secrets to make a post on Friday. Bonus points if they're scandalous, rude, obnoxious, annoying, or any combination of the aforementioned words. Look, we just want a scandal, [info]rogerebert. Don't worry, your secret is safe with us.

Jan. 9th, 2011


Submit secrets! There is no theme for this week, but let's try to do better than last week. Remember, submissions can be submitted anonymously, and we'll take any secret; though, we prefer that they are not taken from other sources, like postsecret. You can upload them to sites such as imageshack or tinypic to maintain anonymity. The post goes up Friday at 10PM est.

Jan. 6th, 2011


Don't forget, secrets go up tomorrow, and without secrets, we can't make a post. Fill us in on the dirt!

Jan. 4th, 2011


Welcome to 2011, [info]rogerebert! Your new year's resolutions should be to submit a secret every week to us so we can continue to make our posts. This week's theme (since it is a new year, new you, blah, blah, whatever) is to tell us whether or not you are happy and why or why not. Remember, themes are just suggestions to get ideas flowing, and we'll take any secret. The post goes up this Friday at 10PM est.

Dec. 28th, 2010


Don't forget to tell us about your New Year's resolutions! We'll still take any secrets as usual, but we'd love to hear your plans for 2011. Remember, since New Year's Eve is this Friday, we're making our secret post Thursday night at 10pm est instead.

Dec. 23rd, 2010


Don't forget to tell us who you want to kiss under the mistletoe for the post TONIGHT AT 10PM EST.

Dec. 22nd, 2010


Don't forget! We're doing the secret post a day early this week and next week because of Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve! Make sure you submit your secrets on time. This week's theme is who do you want to kiss under the mistletoe? Since it's Tawdry Tuesday, we're sure you've thought about the presents you'd like to unwrap. Not feeling romantic/sexy? We'll still take any secret, we guess. We need enough to make a post Thursday at 10pm Eastern time.

Dec. 18th, 2010


Hello, [info]rogerebert! For the next two weeks, secrets will be on Thursday (the 23rd and the 30th) instead of Friday since Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve falls on the two following Fridays. Secrets will resume their regular weeknight on January 7th. The theme for this week is who do you want to kiss under the mistletoe? Don't want to kiss anyone? We guess we'll take your secrets anyway. Make sure you get them in so we can have a post Thursday, Dec. 23rd at 10pm EST.

Dec. 17th, 2010


[info]rogerebert, this is just sad. Only one secret? This is your chance to tell us who has been naughty or nice. With only eight days until Christmas, we've made our list, and we need your help checking it twice.

Dec. 15th, 2010


Hey, [info]rogerebert, we're making a list and we're checking it twice. This week's theme: who has been naughty or nice? Let us know who is on your list and why.

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