Jun. 12th, 2009


LESS THAN 24 HOURS LEFT TO VOTE. We want to make sure we get the input of everyone who wants to participate. This is the final reminder, kids, voting closes TONIGHT (6/12) AT MIDNIGHT!

***if you cast a vote for someone who was removed with tonight's removals, you may go back and re-vote in that category only***

Jun. 9th, 2009


HEY GUYS. Your chance to vote in the 'Class of 2009 ~rogerebert awards' is half over today! So get yourself HERE asap and vote if you haven't already! And don't forget to drop off image gallary/photobucket links for our lovely graphic maker!

Jun. 5th, 2009


It's that time again, Ebertians - award season! And as you lot are our Class of '09, we decided to let you slack off a little - all you've got to do is vote this time!

Head over to [info]nominees and tell us who is at the top of your class. You have one week!