May. 25th, 2010


and the award goes to... )

May. 24th, 2010


only three hours remain! 49 have cast their ballot so far, who will be 50? voting closes at 11:59 PM EST

May. 20th, 2010


hi guys :( I totally fucked up the most popular male category because my eyes were going cross eyed and I was using the template from last awards season so yeah...if you already voted on that and want to re-vote, that'd be great. ty :( sorry!!!!


Hello friends, and welcome to the Roger Ebert Spring Fever Awards 2010. After the jump you will find 14 categories separated by gender and 5 co-ed categories chosen by your mods, graphics will be made for the top three finishers in each category. No one single character was allowed to be nominated in more than 3.5 categories.

You may choose ONE (1) character in each category, and you must fill out the entire ballot. If you have more than one character, you may only vote with one of them. Do not comment anon. Voting will remain open until Monday, 5/24 at 11:59PM EST.


May. 18th, 2010


less than 24 hours remain in the nominations and we still only have about 10 ballots, so please! take a minute and give us your opinions! submit here!

May. 17th, 2010


moar nominations, please! we want everyone's input!
nom's close on wednesday @7pm EST
you don't have to fill out the whole form!

May. 14th, 2010


Hello friends, and welcome to the Roger Ebert Spring Fever Awards 2010. This season's awards will have a spring fever theme to coincide with the season! Thank you all for your input on how to mix things up--we held onto the ideas we didn't use and might potentially be using them to do bonus things in the future! Beneath the cut you will find 14 categories separated by gender and 5 co-ed categories chosen by your mods.

This season we have decided to leave the nominating up to you guys again, BUT, if one character gets nominated in more than 3.5 categories (the co-ed categories counting as 1/2), and is again nominated in another category, their nomination will be thrown out and the person next in line will get their spot. So, keep this in mind when you are making nominations--don't just put your character's friends! Be varied! Think outside the box! Let's include everyone!

You may nominate up to 3 characters in each category, but you are not obligated to nominate any. You may nominate your own character(s). If you have more than one character, you may only nominate with one of them--don't try and be tricksy, that's lame. Do not comment anon. Nominating will remain open until Wednesday, 5/19.
.**DO NOT nominate characters that are no longer in game, not even in co-ed categories. Check the taken list if you can't remember.

nomination categories after the jump

Feb. 15th, 2010


last day to vote for winter awards! polls close in about an hour at 11:59PM EST!

Feb. 12th, 2010


daily reminder to vote in awards & drop off secrets to [info]dailyintel!

Feb. 11th, 2010


voting closes monday 1/15 @ 11:59 PM EST!

voting now up for winter awards!!

Feb. 3rd, 2010


Hello friends, and welcome to the Roger Ebert Winter Awards 2010. This season's awards will have a visual Olympic theme to coincide with this month's 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver. After the jump you will find 15 categories separated by gender and 5 co-ed categories chosen by your mods.

The past couple of seasons, we have also done the nominations in order to 'spread the wealth' and make sure no one character was getting nominated too much. However, this season we have decided to leave the nominating up to you, BUT, if one character gets nominated in more than 3.5 categories (the co-ed categories counting as 1/2), and is again nominated in another category, their nomination will be thrown out and the person next in line will get their spot. So, keep this in mind when you are making nominations--don't just put your character's friends! Be varied! Think outside the box! Let's include everyone!

You may nominate up to 3 characters in each category, but you are not obligated to nominate any. If you have more than one character, you may only nominate with one of them. Do not comment anon. Nominating will remain open until Wednesday, 2/10.


Oct. 23rd, 2009


[info]rogerebert halloween awards
only three more hours left to vote. GO HERE! Don't forget! :)

Oct. 21st, 2009


[info]rogerebert halloween awards
voting is half way over today! GO HERE to vote before the poles close at 11:59PM on Friday!

Oct. 17th, 2009


[info]rogerebert halloween awards '09

beneath the cut you will find award nominations in 10 categories for each gender (and 3 co-ed categories) picked by your mod team in an effort to be as fair and balanced as possible while still giving credit where credit is due. please vote for only one person in each category. all comments on this entry are screened so your ballot will be private. you may only vote using one character if you have more than one, and you must fill out the ballot completely for it to be counted, if you don't know, do eenie-meenie-minie-mo. voting will be closed on saturday, october 23rd at 11:59PM EST and awards will posted in a timely manner, before Halloween.

***YOU CANNOT VOTE ANON, YOUR VOTE WILL BE DELETED** if you did that, please re-vote, hint hint.


Jun. 12th, 2009


LESS THAN 24 HOURS LEFT TO VOTE. We want to make sure we get the input of everyone who wants to participate. This is the final reminder, kids, voting closes TONIGHT (6/12) AT MIDNIGHT!

***if you cast a vote for someone who was removed with tonight's removals, you may go back and re-vote in that category only***

Jun. 9th, 2009


HEY GUYS. Your chance to vote in the 'Class of 2009 ~rogerebert awards' is half over today! So get yourself HERE asap and vote if you haven't already! And don't forget to drop off image gallary/photobucket links for our lovely graphic maker!

Jun. 5th, 2009


It's that time again, Ebertians - award season! And as you lot are our Class of '09, we decided to let you slack off a little - all you've got to do is vote this time!

Head over to [info]nominees and tell us who is at the top of your class. You have one week!

Jan. 12th, 2009


it's the most wonderful time of the year!
who are we to miss out on awards season? come on over and drop in your nominations for our winter awards. you have until next sunday to get your votes in!