Oct. 12th, 2010


Hello, guys! In honor of Tawdry Tuesday, I want you to comment this entry with the dirtiest work your character has ever done...just kidding!

I'm actually here to ask a favor of everyone in the community. I have spent this weekend updating ~roeper completely. All the credits previously listed were wiped, and the entire thing was rewritten because there were a few things that needed to be taken out, added, etc. from things that had been overlooked during previous adds/removals. It was rebuilt using your directories, so if you could, check your directories and see what's missing (I know I was missing a few things in my own directory that I had to update). I know a lot of newer stuff was missing, but for the most part, those roles should still be there. So double check your directory and if you see anything not listed, make sure it's not listed in ~roeper and shoot me a comment in the ~roeper dropbox with the year, film, and the role your character is playing. I appreciate it!

Also, when you're adding a new role to your character's credits, make sure that you drop it off in ~roeper too. It is impossible for me to keep up with credit changes via ONTD, tumblr, etc. posts, so please make sure that when you add something it gets dropped off AND added to your directory/credits/discography. This will help make sure we don't have roles duplicate or anything like that. All credit changes go to [info]roeper, not [info]rogerebert! It may take some time for me to get back to you, but please don't think that you're being ignored. Sometimes, the mod team may need to discuss something, but you should have an answer within four days (or whenever adds are done) because that's when we discuss.

Again, I really appreciate it, and thank you so much!