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Mar. 7th, 2010


I absolutely hate when people disappear from games, so I wanted to post and apologize to you all for completely falling off the face of the universe. We had a death in my family and that, followed by job issues, made me completely unresponsive to everything online. I'm so sorry to all of you I kept hanging! I feel terrible for not at least leaving a post to explain why I was completely AWOL.


Jan. 18th, 2010


I'm really sorry guys but this semester is kicking my ass. Can I get a hiatus please. Sorry for throwing off the De plot.

Jan. 16th, 2010


Plot Post and Summary for Mid-January

Plot Post and Summary for Mid-January )

Jan. 11th, 2010


A public service announcement

Libby doesnt know her shapes. Also: She missed her mouth.


Plot Post and Summary for December

Plot Post and Summary for December )

Jan. 4th, 2010


As some of you know, I was in a car accident yesterday. I lost my dog in the accident, as well as my car, and to add insult to injury I'm stuck in Texas a few extra days. I'm going to be a little strange for a while. Random moodswings between 'OMG I need a distraction now' and 'I can't deal with the internet, evar.' So if modly things slip through the cracks, but I bother you for pointless scene playing, that is why.

Also, the Order was supposed to have a meeting yesterday. For obvious reasons, I didn't get to it. If anyone wants to throw up a thread and get it started, go ahead. Otherwise, I'll put one up tomorrow and back-date it.

Jan. 1st, 2010


Activity Check December

Activity Check December )


Hi, all! My name is Kassie, I'm from Michigan, and I'm usually better at posting these intro posts on time, but I got swept up in the holidays and everything surrounding them. Anyway, I'm here with it now, and I'm bringing this guy here with me.

This is Elijah Wilkes, the second-generation Death Eater (son of the first-gen Wilkes and cousin to Evan Rosier), graduate of Slytherin's class of 1968, and go-to bad cop in the Auror Office. His worst habit is speaking or doing something before really considering it past the immediate effects, he just barely missed getting sorted into Gryffindor, and his foot almost inevitably ends up in his mouth. Very much not public knowledge is the fact that he's gay as a three-sickle knut; he keeps this very under-wraps and, more importantly, he has a good relationship with his wife and their two-year-old daughter. The Death Eater business is kept similarly under wraps: the Wilkes family are well respected and not overtly evil, and since Elijah really enjoys his work as an Auror, he generally comes off as more offensively pro-Ministry than pro-Dark Lord.

So, friends, enemies, work buddies, fellow Death Eaters, et al.? I'm on AIM as SailorStarPoet and I'm available via email at duanya[@]gmail[.]com. I can't wait to finally get talking and playing. ♥

Dec. 26th, 2009



Sorry for my AFKness and general fail. I, in standing with tradition, have gotten sick with one hell of a head cold and it's wiping out all my energy. Hopefully I'll be over it in a few days and will get to play. Until then, if you see me online, ping me! I may not be up to playing, but I'm always open to plotting.

Stacey (James/Dorcas)

Dec. 24th, 2009


New member. ;3

Hello all! I'm new and because introducing myself usually turns out in a too long and too boring affair I'll keep it very short.

I'm Helen, I'm very dorky, I live in Belgium, my native-tongue is Dutch and I like apple juice. <3

My character is Evelyn, a new member of the order. She's clumsy, a bit naive and very enthusiastic. She looks much younger than she actually is, probably because her trademark smile together with her overall tinyness and her extravagant use of colors in her attire. She was home schooled for her entire life because she had a poor health when she was young. Recently there's been a potion invented which gives her immune system a boost and makes her able to live a relatively normal life. Evelyn is a half-blood, her mother a muggle who has fled to Belgium. Evelyn wants to fight against Voldemort and the Death-Eaters because she wants people like herself and her mother to be able to live freely.

Hm- Other information...

Ah! Yes, she's very good at charms. Just graduated as a charms mistress and is now applying at the Department of Mysteries for a position as Unspeakable although she has no idea what they actually do.


Eep sorry for going MIA on you guys.... my muses were slightly MIA on me but hopefully they are back.

Anyone want Cissa or Rita?

Also! I was thinking- Malfoy Christmas Ball? Bit late but yeah.... Alpha I'd IM you but your offlin.

Dec. 22nd, 2009


Happy holidays everyone! I'm Kate, the newest player (I think!) to this intriguing game. I'm taking on two characters. Mary Nott, vaguely dissatisfied sister to Jacob Selwyn and wife to Edward Nott. And John Dawlish who is, well, rather insufferable. He's an auror, loyal to the Ministry to the point of madness, and tends to be something of a killjoy. Mary is far more fun--even for a smug pureblood--and tends to over-involve herself in every possible group and activity to make up for her current lack of direction.

Plot bunnies would be great and I'd love to discuss possible back stories and character relationships. Can't wait to play with you all!

Dec. 21st, 2009


Hi folks. Mark again with my second character. Fabian Prewett. He's, well, insane. He invents stuff in his spare time and works as an apothocary during the day. He's also an order member and the twin of Gideon. So plots of any sort?

Dec. 20th, 2009



SO this is just to let ya'll know:

I am going to Spain on Monday to spend Christmas with my family, and while I will probably be able to check my e-mail and such, I don't think I will be available for scening/commenting/whatever. I will, at some point, post Christmas presents and such, but consider me mostly hiatused.

This is also a warning, for those of you who didn't catch my CDJ post on the subject, that I have to return to the US for knee surgery at the beginning of next month, so the next few weeks will be a bit hectic for me as I get all my "affairs in order" and such. So I will be around, I might just be a bit frantic.

Just assume Gabrielle is up to her ears in finding the serial killer and has thus gotten all quiet and serious until I return!

Dec. 17th, 2009


Hi guys! Alex here with her second one Rita Skeeter. She's a Muggleborn Slytherin (Oh my!) in Bellatrix's year (double oh my!)She knew she wouldn't be accepted so she started on a search for gossip (she hates lies as her mother died from cancer two years after she was diagnosed and Rita didn't know until she was already dead) and using it to bribe her housemates into accepting her. While most of it was faked she managed to get through her years at Hogwarts relatively unscathed.

She know is a full time journalist and neutral in the war. I suggest you read her profile though. Makes a lot more sense.

Dec. 15th, 2009


Plot Post and Summary for Mid-December

Plot Post and Summary for Mid-December )


Activity Check for Mid-December

Activity Check for Mid-December )


Alrighty, guys, I don't know about you but e-mail notifications are on the fritz for me still. I'm not getting anything from logs or journal entries or anything. If everyone else is having the same problem, then it's especially important that we all stay in contact with each other. If someone is getting notifications, that would be nice to know too. I'm really interested in how to fix this problem. >.

Dec. 11th, 2009


New NPC Journal

Hello, everybody!

I've just finished setting up our NPC journal here. You can find out all the rules for using it here. The password to log in with is in a friends-locked entry.

This is different from the [info]first_npc journal, which is to be used only by mod-controlled NPCs. This one is for any player-controlled NPCs. So family members, temp characters, whatever you'd like. Have a ball.

Oh, right, and in case it wasn't already obvious, I'm back from my hiatus early. Sprained my knee and couldn't continue with the training I had going. Sad times, but at least I have my computer back.

Dec. 8th, 2009


Sorry I haven't been around folks. Computer troubles. I should be back Friday.

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