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Monday, October 19th, 2009

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    Oh Marvelous: A Marvel Universe Game
    Oh Marvelous: A Marvel RPG
    "Did you ever have one of those lives?"

    You inhabit a fantastical universe where anything can happen. Super powered beings exist, and living a sane life is no easy feat for anyone. In such an extraordinary world, an average day can be ruined by the strangest of threats; be it viral zombies, megalomaniacal criminals or assassination attempts. All just part of a normal day in a very abnormal world. You don’t even glance up at the shrill whine of sirens or the roar of a giant monster a few blocks over. In the sky above a caped character is flying towards the fray; a member of some super hero team or perhaps a lone vigilante. Maybe the monster is a mythical creature or an invading alien or a minion of the latest super villain. A van is hurled down the street followed by another angry howl but you go casually about your business- buy your newspaper, sip your latte- and mutter cynically to yourself,


    Oh Marvelous is an age 18+, social, thread based, third person, AU Marvel RPG played in real time (quite a mouthful). The game is set in present day, in locations all over the world. Plot is primarily player driven with occasional inclusive plots that affect the entire game. This game does not follow any set timeline or particular Marvel continuity. That means that pretty much anything goes.



    Over forty one years ago, the great war between the Colonies and Cylons ended.

    The Cylons had not been seen or heard from in all those years.

    It has been over a year since the Battlestar Galactica Memorial and Military Museum opened to the public in orbit above Caprica.

    Civil unrest on Sagittaron threatens to divide the Twelve Colonies of Kobol.

    A different Plan for an alternative universe is already in motion.



    Hogwarts is undergoing some changes. Attacks keep happening, so the school is temporarily sealed off from the outside world. But what would you do if the attacks were coming from within?

    WANTED. Prewett Twins, Dolores Umbridge, Mafalda Hopkirk, Florean Fortescue, Otto Bagman, Mundungus Fletcher, Dirk Cresswell, Amos Diggory, Mulciber, Barnabus Cuffe, OCs, and many more!


    Darkest Days: An Original Mob-based PB Game

    ::The Game::
    Premise | Characters | Taken/Held | Locations | Family Positions | Wanted
    Rules | FAQs | Application

    ::Members Only::
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    In Character | Out of Character | Storylines | Mod Journal

    Adds: Tues/Fri


    The Wizarding World has seen its fair share of suffering, such as the reign of Lord Voldemort that occurred not once, but twice. But, as it was foreseen, good triumphed over evil and the world gained peace. It seemed to be everlasting for witches and wizards everywhere, a great relief to those who feared the worst in the midst of rebuilding. Twenty-five years later, someone now threatens to destroy the peace that has come to be, though not in such a way that would strike fear in the general public. It's much worse: Hogwarts has a new Headmaster and the students aren't going to like him.

    Tiberius Ogden was just appointed the position of Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry during the summer, the former Headmaster, Matthew Harrison, having abruptly retired when he suddenly came upon a very large sum of money. The Ogden name is famous for its liquor, though Tiberius has no interest in making drunks out of his peers. No, Tiberius Ogden followed another path, one of strict behavior that came with wielding a firm hand rather than a tap. A retired Hit Wizard, Tiberius has known a life of hardship and determination and believes that today's youth are becoming weak-minded prats. As a way to change this, he quickly took up the position Headmaster Harrison wished to discard.

    Students will be in for quite the shock when they return to school to have their yearly start of term feast. Not only are they receiving a new Headmaster, but he comes with a whole new set of rules - rules so numerous in count that a book of them was created - something each student will find at their seat.

    Will your student follow the rules or say Bugger All! to them?
    Skins_Exchange @ LJ
    I just wanted to spread the word that skins_exchange @ Livejournal -- a new gift exchange community for Skins (and a first I believe) -- is taking sign-ups right now. If you have a livejournal account there then that's cool, and if you don't, it's still cool because you can sign up using your insanejournal account (using OpenID) and it won't be a problem.


    The world just got a dose of the supernatural, and one that it's still reeling from. It's starting to have to deal with the fact that on Halloween, the veil between the spirit world and the living was pulled back--and that veil never got dropped back into place. World wide, opinions are being flung around, rights activits are popping up, and a shadow organization is starting to get their fingers in as many pies as possible.

    Which includes 'educational' field trips to haunted locations, to try and educate america's teenagers on the new elements in the world. One such field trip is scheduled for Marquette Senior High School soon.

    Praelitis is starting a new plot arc soon, and we're looking for teenagers to join in the fun! Now's the time to join up with them, there's still a little time before it launches so people can get established! We also have three adoptable teenagers that anyone can take over with pre-existing contacts in game, all that's required is a writing sample! Don't like any details on the adoptees? Edit them!

    Please email any questions to! Join today!


    Darkness Rising

    October, 1978.

    Bellatrix and Rodolphus Lestrange are no longer on the run; The Dark Lord set a plan in motion to preserve both their freedom and their reputations, while dealing a devastating blow to the Ministry and the Order of the Phoenix all at once. Bellatrix Lestrange staged a public sighting to draw the Aurors and the Order to Cheshire, where the Death Eaters were waiting to surround them.

    The casualties and injuries were many and although Bellatrix Lestrange was captured, she will not be in prison for long, as it is all a part of The Dark Lord’s plan.

    The Dark Lord has many irons in the fire. As he creates the last of his seven desired Horcruxes, he aspires to destroy the one man who still threatens him: Albus Dumbledore. To that end, a member of his Inner Circle has infiltrated the school as Defense Against the Dark Arts instructor...

    Dumbledore is striving to save Severus Snape from his own dark ambitions, but little does he know it is far too late for that; Snape has already taken the Dark Lord's Mark.

    Narcissa Black is about to wed Lucius Malfoy, but she struggles with the duality of marrying and supporting a Death Eater while maintaining a friendship with an enlistee of the Auror Corps.

    Fenrir Greyback covets the hapless Dorcas Meadowes, but he too has goals beyond his own carnal desires. As he builds his werewolf army for Voldemort, he also has his eye on the Auror set on bringing him down; Caradoc Dearborn.

    Alice Longbottom’s father, responsible for the death of her daughter, has been murdered by Bellatrix Lestrange, but the Ministry only has their eyes set on the Longbottoms and Dumbledore for the culprits.

    As if the Auror Departments numbers weren’t hazardous enough, the recent attack on the Ministry has left them with numbers so low, only a miracle can keep the department from dying off completely.

    And Voldemort is just getting started with his plot to bring down the Ministry.

    Things are just starting to get interesting.

    Want to be a part of the action?

    You can. All you have to do is join.

    Currently Casting | Casting Studio | Application | Rules | Full Premise | Member Testimonials | Darkness Rising RPG Community

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