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February 2nd, 2011

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who: Goyle, OTA
what: lunch time
where: at the Ministry, by the fountain
when: February 1, noon
rating: TBD

Goyle was having a bad day. Not because his workload was particularly large, but because he was so tired. Gregory was fussing all night, and even though he let his wife tend to their son, he still didn't get much sleep. He couldn't wait for the day when Greg was old enough to get his own drink if he woke up thirty in the middle of the night. He loved his son very much, he just wished that sometimes he was a little more likable.

Instead eating at his desk like he usually did, Goyle could be found by the fountain of Magical Brethren. The sound of the water was soothing to him, and he liked the look of all the coins in the water below. As he ate his sandwich, he couldn't help but think about the repercussions if he one day decided to steal that money. It wasn't so stupid that he would ever try it, but it was interesting to think about.

January 8th, 2011

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who: Charity Burbage, OTA
what: She's working and has a little accident/TBD
where: Three Broomsticks
when: January 8, evening
rating: TBD

It was a very busy evening at the Three Broomsticks. On one hand, Charity liked it very much. On nights like these she got very good tips and she always preferred it when the place was almost full. She loved to see all the people there. On the other, another one of the waitresses needed to take the night off - a family emergency - so Charity was running herself a little thin trying to pick up the slack.

Back and forth she ran, from the kitchen to the main room, taking orders and giving orders. She kept a smile on her face the entire time, her curly red hair just as bouncing as she walked along through the tables and people. She had just returned from the kitchen, carrying a tray of drinks for a table in the corner front of the room, when something caught under her feet and she tripped. Charity fell to the floor, the glasses shattering and the drinks pouring on the floor and all over someone close to her.

"I am so very, very sorry about that!" she said once she pushed herself up onto her hands. She reached into her apron for a towel and she looked up to see who her accidental victim was.

December 13th, 2010

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WHO: Marlene and OTA
WHERE: Knocturn and Diagon Alley
WHEN: Monday Evening

Marlene had a number of errands that needed to be run early this week, but she knew that her Tuesday night would be taken up by the Order meeting, so she'd decided to try to get them all done on Monday. She'd made another quick stop by Flourish and Blotts to pick a book that she'd put on hold earlier that week, now that it was in, and then had stopped by the apothecary for some ingredients for work. When she'd gotten there, however, they'd told her that they didn't carry one of the ingredients that she'd needed, but that she was likely to find it on Knockturn.

With a disgruntled sigh Marlene headed to Knockturn, trying to make the trip as quickly as possible, as it wasn't her most favorite place to spend her time. She found the dodgy-looking shop that the apothecary had directed her to, and quickly made the exchange of money for ingredients. Once that was done she beelined back to Diagon Alley, pausing for a second before stepping back into the flow of people on the main street as she checked her shopping list to see what else she needed to get done that evening.
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