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The Last 333 Days


January 9th, 2011

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Who: Alice and Andromeda, then Alice and Frank (If it's all right with you guys!)
When: After this post and comments.
Where: Alice and Frank's house.
What: Relief for some Alone Time.
Rating: Probably high, eventually. ^^

You're the sweetest and most wonderful woman in the world. )

January 6th, 2011

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WHO: Frank Longbottom and OTA
WHAT: Frank is getting something from the apothecary
WHERE: The Apothecary
WHEN: Thursday after work

Neville was teething. He had been for some time now, but it was really bad right now and they were out of the ointment to rub on his gums. Frank didn't pretend potions was a strength of his and so he liked to buy it already made. There were two choices in the household potions aisle. One was numbing, the other was numbing and cooling, but Frank wasn't sure cold relief was necessary if he was numb. Neville was sucking on ice cubes sewn into terry cloth right now, so he knew that cold was a good remedy, but did that matter if he couldn't feel the cold? Frank pondered the galleon difference in the ointments, standing dumbly in the middle of the aisle, when someone tried to get past him.

"Ooh, sorry," he said.

December 23rd, 2010

The Big Sirius Black Christmas Party!

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WHO: Sirius and OTA for threads and sub-threads! (Guests!)
WHAT: Sirius' Christmas Party
WHEN: Thursday Evening
RATING: PG13- Liquor and Snogging!
NOTE: If you go NC17, please take it to another thread and link back.

Sirius spared no expense on food and drink. A friend from the station was DJing and the music was loud. )

December 12th, 2010

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WHO: Dumbledore and Order Members
WHAT: A Patronus Message
WHEN: Sunday Afternoon
WHERE: Their respective homes

The Phoenix Patronus swooped into the room and stopped. For each member in the privacy of his own home, the message began immediately. For those who were not, the Phoenix shrank into a glowing ball of light and guided them to a private place where charms would be needed to ensure secrecy.

When each recipient was ready, Dumbledore's voice spoke calmly. "The next meeting of the Order of the Phoenix will be held in the basement of the Three Broomsticks on Tuesday at seven."
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