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January 8th, 2011

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who: Charity Burbage, OTA
what: She's working and has a little accident/TBD
where: Three Broomsticks
when: January 8, evening
rating: TBD

It was a very busy evening at the Three Broomsticks. On one hand, Charity liked it very much. On nights like these she got very good tips and she always preferred it when the place was almost full. She loved to see all the people there. On the other, another one of the waitresses needed to take the night off - a family emergency - so Charity was running herself a little thin trying to pick up the slack.

Back and forth she ran, from the kitchen to the main room, taking orders and giving orders. She kept a smile on her face the entire time, her curly red hair just as bouncing as she walked along through the tables and people. She had just returned from the kitchen, carrying a tray of drinks for a table in the corner front of the room, when something caught under her feet and she tripped. Charity fell to the floor, the glasses shattering and the drinks pouring on the floor and all over someone close to her.

"I am so very, very sorry about that!" she said once she pushed herself up onto her hands. She reached into her apron for a towel and she looked up to see who her accidental victim was.

December 16th, 2010

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owl to Marlene McKinnon )

December 5th, 2010

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who: Charity Burbage, Gideon Prewett
what: Christmas shopping
where: Diagon Alley
when: Sunday, December 5, early afternoon

humming a Christmas tune )
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