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Aug. 1st, 2010


Campfire chat

Who: Radagast and Haldir
What: Campfire chat
When: First day out from Minas Tirith
Where: Amon Din, heading for Druadan
Rating/Status:G Threading

On the way to the Druadan Forest, Radagast and Haldir diverted off the Great West Road and made camp at the southern foot of Amon Din within the trees of the Grey Wood.

Radagast unloaded Wheatmane and Sandwalker, gathered a bit of dead wood and started soaked rice and chickpeas boiling over a small fire. Once they'd softened he cut a carrot and potato into the pot and finally added a bit of spice.

Jul. 19th, 2010


Who: Legolas and Pippin
When: Game-time
Where: Out and about in Tirith
What: Pippin and Legolas have a talk about a not-so-fallen comrade. And sing a song.
Status: Long-form, complete.
Rating: G

Things which are beautiful are often strangely frightening, as if they are ugly, and things that are happy are often sad. )

Jul. 18th, 2010


Going Home

He ought have gone to look for Lothiriel. Elphir knew as much but he couldn't make himself care much about it just now either. Since the happy dream of his future, the future where Alphros was grown and he was finally able to step down as prince and let himself die, thoughts of just that thing had been consuming him. To see her face again, to hold her in his arms and feel again as though he were something other than either a liability or the strange one nobody trusted, and to never have to let her go again. The thought spurred him onward to Dol Amroth and through the city gates before another thing could have been done about it. warning for suicidal thoughts and emo )

Jul. 15th, 2010


A note under Amrothos's door.

I'm Sorry.


((OOC: Dol Amrothy fun tiemz. All shall be revealed. *cackle*))

Jul. 14th, 2010


There I was enchanted, and forgot the Sea in my heart...

Who: Voronwë and Luthien
Where: Sitting on 'his' wall, upper levels of the city
When: Early afternoon present time
What: Thoughts of the past
Status Threading/open

No more were the willow-meads... )

Jul. 12th, 2010


"Perhaps there will be Elfsong to add to the songs of Men, and all of it beautiful."

Who: Legolas and Boromir
When: After Amrothos and Legolas meet
What: Brothers in arms reunite...sort of.

It is like a husband learning his wife has a new man and his sons are raised in another's house. )


"The king is king in this city."

Who: Boromir and Finduilas
When: Game-time
Where: Imrahil's Undead Convention guest house
What: Family reunions!
Status: Long-form, complete.
Rating: G

We all wish to serve Gondor, my son. And we shall. )


"Greetings to the son of a prince."

Who: Amrothos and Legolas
What: A chance meeting, a new friendship.
When: After Eowyn is discharged and Faramir is rediscovered.

They say beyond the unknowable veil, things are different. )

Jul. 1st, 2010


"It's my city, still, or it feels like it, in my bones!"

Who:Boromir and Faramir.
Where: The City Walls
When: After the log with Boromir and Elphir I believe.
What: Faramir sees a "ghost". Boromir sees his brother.
Status: Complete
You've still got it, haven't you, my lady, )

Jun. 28th, 2010


"Maybe my table ought to go in the room of someone who never uses tables. "

Who: Elphir and Boromir
What: ...what, indeed? A messed up table, plotting, etc.
When: After Lottie ran away. Backdated like whoa.
Where: Boromir's room
Status: Are we done with this one, Kari? I realized I needed to post Elphir action it is.
Women of this family. He'd heard <i>stories</i> about his mother, after all. )

Jun. 19th, 2010


A Wizard needs his Woods

Who: Radagast and Haldir
What: An adventure?
When: a sunny day
Where: Top level of Minas Tirith, then Anorien
Rating/Status:G Threading

Radagast grew antsy )

Jun. 3rd, 2010


"I put my head down in Brethil, and awoke in Lothlorien."

Who: Turgon and Turin
When: Current
Where:Outside the White City
What: Turgon takes a night ride and finds a face that seems to belong to someone he knows.
Status: Complete. Looks a bit like a part one if we wind up wrangling Joy for the hinted at bits. Sound good to you, Joy and Mor?

Hurin? )
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Who: Nerdanel and Fëanor
What: A rare meeting
Where: Their quarters in the Citadel
When: Evening
Rating: G
Status: Part 1, to be continued in thread.

I was beginning to wonder when I would see you again. )

Jun. 2nd, 2010


In everything, there is a season...

Who: Frodo, Merry & Pippin
What: Merry and Pippin invite their cousin to a proper Hobbit feast
Where: The Rooms of M. Brandybuck and P. Took
When: An Evening, Presently. (Actually, this is an OLD post that Kari and I wrote and at some point we both forgot about. I think it's good enough to post. Kari, if you wanted to work on it some more, I'm sorry. We can continue via threading, but I really wanted to get something up. And I figured it was time to post this.)

A quiet evening in Gondor. )


"Perhaps we can have matching badges to warn others not to speak to us."

Who: Eowyn and Faramir
Where: Minas Tirith, The Houses of Healing
When: Current. A few days or so after the log with Amrothos.
What: Meeting of the emos! No actually, they meet and have a nice conversation.
Rating: G-PGish? Nothing bad here I don't think. Faramir uses the word "asshole" at one point. Does that count?
Notes/Status: Complete
Are they finally setting you free as well? )
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These have been terrible days, for all that there were coronations and crownings."

Who: Amrothos and Faramir
Where: Minas Tirith, A Refugee Inn
When: Current. A few days or so before the log with Eowyn.
What: Amrothos finds a mysterious person while escaping rain.
Rating: PG-PG 13ish for drugs.
Notes: Technically this is part one of something. We're working on part two.
Faramir? ...Is that you? )

Jun. 1st, 2010


Who: Arwen and Aragorn
What: Aragorn dodged his duties and goes to see Arwen instead
When: Game-time
Where: Citadel
Rating/Status: PG/Part One of Two

Read more... )
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Who: Eowyn and Amrothos
What: Eowyn needs some unbiased advice
When: 2 weeks ago?
Where: Houses of Healing
Rating: PG/incomplete
Notes: This was done by Kari and me quite awhile ago, but we never finished. Still, it's worth a read even if it's short. Maybe we can finish it up in threads or in another log.

Read more... )

May. 30th, 2010


Fëanor stepped out of the smithy that day with a very large package, held in both hands and forcing him to bend his neck to look around it in order to see where he was going. It was wrapped, shamelessly enough, with a black banner bearing the embroidery of the family Star.

Straight to Caranthir's room at his inn he marched, giving his son's name and nodding to the man at the reception counter. "Birthday gift for my son." he explained.

The man lead the Noldo up to Caranthir's room and knocked. When no answer came, Fëanor said he'll just leave it in there.

And so, a shining set of black and dark blue armor waited for Caranthir's return, complete with an elegant helm of what the smith hoped was a traditional Noldoran design. A sword there was also, a dagger, and a note.

To Caranthir Son,

From Fëanor Father.


May. 28th, 2010


Who: Erchirion and Haldir
What: The young Amrothian asks for Archery advice... And perhaps the conversation develops into something more serious.
Where: Somewhere in the city
When: Present time
Status: Threading

... Nock to the cord, shaft to the ear... )

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