Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game - September 24th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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September 24th, 2008

[Sep. 24th, 2008|01:57 am]
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Here's to you, Mrs. Robinson.

Jesus loves you more than you will know.

Whoa whoa whoa.
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[Sep. 24th, 2008|07:51 am]


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Hey, Alex, we um. . . got one of our wedding presents early.

We're apparently going to Monaco for our honeymoon.

In tiny bikinis.


It was anonymous, too, so thank you so much to whoever did this. I mean. . .holy crap. Wow.

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[Sep. 24th, 2008|08:37 am]
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If one more person asks me how I got my bad tan, I'm going to whip out my lightsaber and ask them if they'd like a tan.

Only, I don't think a lightsaber would really work that way.. And obviously I wouldn't actually hurt them unless they were evil. And, um. It's a really cheesy line, so I'm just going to go. Meditate or something.
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[Sep. 24th, 2008|10:27 am]


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Hey Ollie! We should go somewhere fun this weekend.

Ollie )

Carrie )

Edit; Doug )
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[Sep. 24th, 2008|11:06 am]
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[Current Mood |curious]

Gabby )
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[Sep. 24th, 2008|01:46 pm]


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Aaaaaaand one of my students had to go the ER because his tummy hurt really bad. That's scary, and I'm worried for him.

I wish I didn't get so attached to my kids sometimes.
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[Sep. 24th, 2008|02:22 pm]
[Current Mood |bored]

I'm Bored.

Teddy...s )
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[Sep. 24th, 2008|03:25 pm]
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[Sep. 24th, 2008|04:27 pm]
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It seems that the more things change, the more the stay the same as well.

My employer has said that once things calm down, she wishes for me to... get out more. So she is going to... "fix me up" with someone she knows? She said he is a good match? Apparently things have not changed much in five hundred years. My father wanted a good match for me as well. Which I had, but that is no longer.

(ooc: I know I am supposed to be on hiatus! She's a loud muse of late... Besides it's a nice break from homework and packing.)
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[Sep. 24th, 2008|07:47 pm]


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[Current Mood |annoyed]

Okay so apparently I need to meet a nice boy who doesn't do any wrong...

So anyone out there perfect and done no wrong in their life?
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[Sep. 24th, 2008|08:07 pm]


[Current Mood |contemplative]

I really need to get out more.

Piper )
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[Sep. 24th, 2008|08:11 pm]
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Does anyone want to spar? Bouncing's fun, but not exactly practice, now is it?
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[Sep. 24th, 2008|09:03 pm]
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Sirius )
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