March 27th, 2008

[info]_bad_wolf in [info]torchwood_fic

Fic: Comfort - Ianto/Jack - NC17 - Torchwood - Part: 1/?

Title: Comfort.
Part: 1/?

Author: Celebrian.
Web page: &
Pairing: Ianto/ Jack
Rating: NC17
Summary: What we didn’t get to see after Jack rested his hand on Ianto´s shoulder during Small Worlds.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Warnings: Angst – Spoilers for Small Worlds if you didn´t see it-
Author’s notes: Sort of WIP but each story stands alone.
Feedback: Is addictive and encouraging ;-)
Thanks to Beta [info]xibalba who is a saint and reads stories about a fandom she’s only heard me rambling about
