June 2012



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May. 17th, 2012


Friday, May 18, 2012

Who: Holt/Bragi and Zinny/Iounn
When: Friday, May 18, 2012 | night
Where: starting at Nyx, then his apartment
What: date night!

Holt has mixed feelings about tonight. )

Apr. 24th, 2012


Who: Erebus and Eleanor/Diana (Guest appearance by Psyche)
What: An awakened Erebus takes interest in Eleanor
Where: Nyx
When: Tuesday Evening

Follow the golden fox, through the golden door. )

Apr. 8th, 2012


WHO: Marceline and Reed/Neptune
WHAT: Late night drinks
WHEN: Saturday night

I'll call them back and borrow a box knife so I can learn to live with all the stupid shit I've been doing since '99 )

Mar. 26th, 2012


Who: Mari and Sam (Artemis and Apollo)
When: Monday night
Where: Nyx
What: Mari's night just became interesting.

It wasn't the worst thing that had ever happened to her as a bartender, but she hoped to avoid situations like this, )

Mar. 21st, 2012


Who: Theo and open
What: Theo forgets his birthday
Where: Nyx
When: March 18, afternoon [backdated]

I know the world's a broken bone, but melt your headache call it home. )


Who: Tobias and Mariana
What: Mariana drops by to put in an application and Tobias is good on his word to Abigail.
Where: Nyx
When: Tuesday mid-day

You're certainly pretty enough to work here, boss man will love that. )

Mar. 20th, 2012


Who: Tobias and Abigail
What: Tobias invites Abigail up to Nyx for the night for a casual visit.
When: Tuesday evening
Where: Nyx

Read more... )

Mar. 11th, 2012


Who: Tobias and Abigail [Psyche and Aphrodite]
What: Tobias tries to explain what is happening to her.
Where: Nyx
When: Noon on 3-3-12

You don't remember, do you? )

Mar. 6th, 2012


Who: Ben and Tara (Cronus and Zeus)
When: Wednesday, March 7, 2012 | night
Where: Nyx
What: an awkward family reunion

This soul had a connection to his own. )

Feb. 28th, 2012


Who: Tobias and Tara [Psyche and Zeus]
What: Talking while Tobias bartends at Nyx.
Where: Nyx
When: Tuesday after five.

Everyone was returning, but one of their kind was still severely lacking. )

Feb. 17th, 2012


Who: Sam and Tara (Apollo and Zeus)
What: Family reunion!
Where: Nyx.
When: Friday afternoon.


Who: Psyche and Kurt.
What: Two free beers.
Where: Nyx.
When: 9 PM, Thursday.

His past had the utmost decency to haunt him anywhere, everywhere. )

Feb. 15th, 2012


Who: Baron Samedi and Zeus [Todd and Tara]
What: Free drinks!
Where: Nyx.
When: Early Wednesday afternoon.
Warnings: TBD.

Read more... )

Feb. 12th, 2012


Who: Tobias and Sam [Psyche and Apollo]
What: Tobias minds the bar at Nyx and meets Sam.
Where: Nyx Bar
When: Sunday evening

Valentine's Day was coming and it gave Tobias major mixed feelings. )
