Mar. 23rd, 2008


Circumventing Potential Pseudo-Marital Boredom, Sam/Dean, NC-17

Title: "Circumventing Potential Pseudo-Marital Boredom"
Author: [info]snipervalentine
Rating: NC-17.
Pairings: Sam/Dean.
Warnings: Handballing. Toppy!Sam, and Dean is so not a good listener. Mention of some of the rarely-ever-mentioned-in-slash-fiction realities of anal sex.
Summary: Written for SpringKink on LiveJournal. Prompt: Supernatural, Sam/Dean: Forearm, hand!porn.

Disclaimer: "Supernatural" characters owned by Kripke and Co. Words are mine.

" You're a bright boy, Dean; you'll figure it out."