Feb. 12th, 2009


These Tracks Stretch Out Before, PG-13, Sam/Warren, crossover with Sky High

This story is completed. All parts have been posted.

Title: These Tracks Stretch Out Before
Author: ciaan
Fandoms: Supernatural/Sky High crossover AU
Length: 25,660 words
Rating: PG-13
Genre: coming of age/family drama/action adventure
Pairing: contains Sam/Warren activities, references to other pairings
Thanks: To thepouncer for the very helpful beta.
Disclaimer: Supernatural is from The CW and Sky High is from Disney. This is a fanfic for entertainment and not profit.
Spoilers: Happens after the movie for SH, contains conceptual spoilers only for the premise of SPN.

Summary: Going to superhero school was probably the stupidest thing Sam had ever done. What if someone found out his family's secret?

Sam stared down at his tray, avoiding all the kids he still didn't feel comfortable around. There wasn't anyone he'd wanted to ask to sit with, and no one had offered or joined him at the small table in the corner. So he read his book and picked at his meal. The lunches here weren't any better than at a normal school. He'd figured they would be... well, not super, but good.

Apr. 11th, 2008


Fic: I Had The Best Of Intentions, PG 13, Dean, Sam, Ruby

Title: I Had The Best Of Intentions
Author: [info]ladyrhyanne
Word Count: 2,277
Characters: Sam, Dean, Ruby and mentions of a couple others
Rating: PG 13
Warnings: Swearing
Spoilers: S2 E1 (vaguely) & 22 , S3 E1 & 3
Disclaimer: Don't own - just playing in somebody else's sandbox.
Summary: Sam doesn't find a way to break Dean's deal but that doesn't mean he's giving up and he has a plan. 
A/N: I don't know where this came from, it has nothing to do with my Darkness Undefined 'verse, nor is it my usual style of writing.  It's just something that popped into my head this morning involving dark!Dean and dark!Sam.  It's unbeta'd 'cause I just wanted it written and gone so that I could go back to finishing my Big Bang fic.  If you notice any mistakes kindly let me know.  Please and thank you.

Comments and constructive criticism snuggled

*Crossposted to live journal*

Mar. 26th, 2008


Revelations of A Twelve Year Old, PG

Title: Revelations of A Twelve Year Old
Author: [info]ladyrhyanne
Rating: PG
Characters: Dean, OFCs
Warnings: Swearing, vague spoiler for S1 E15.
Disclaimer: Don't own - just playing in somebody else's sandbox.
Summary: Twelve year old Dean comes to three revelations.
A/N: This was written a day or two after S1 E15 but I just never got around to posting it on any journal.

Revelations of A Twelve Year Old

Oct. 7th, 2007


Freakboy and Dykegirl, Chapter 33

Series Title: The Amazing Incredible Adventures of Freakboy and Dykegirl

Chapter 32
Rating: R for language, sex, violence
Characters: Dean, OFC x 2
Category: Gen
Warnings: Mentions of lesbian and gay sex.
Disclaimer: Supernatural belongs to the CW. I make no money off this.

Author's notes: Future fic, occurs post-series. (Somewhat AU after season 1... Daddy!Winchester is still alive.) Beta love to koyote19. Please do not spoil me for anything beyond 3x01. Seriously, y'all.

And lo, stele3 did decide that it was time to bring in Mary. And Kim said, "SHIT."

Chapters 1-29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 33

Sep. 5th, 2007


Freakboy and Dykegirl, Chapter 32

Series Title: The Amazing Incredible Adventures of Freakboy and Dykegirl

Chapter 32
Rating: R for language, sex, violence
Characters: Dean, OFC, OMC
Category: Gen
Warnings: Mentions of lesbian and gay sex.
Disclaimer: Supernatural belongs to the CW. I make no money off this.

Author's notes: Future fic, occurs post-series. (Only AU in that Daddy!Winchester is still alive.) Beta love to koyote19. Please do not spoil me for the upcoming season. Seriously, y'all.

So, this chapter right here, this is a risky prospect. It's a break from the previous style of the series, as it's told from the perspective of Lee, the Creole kid introduced in the last chapter. I have no idea if this is going to work or not, but we'll see. It sure was a challenge. At the moment, I do not plan to write any more chapters in Lee's voice, as the Creole takes me a while to hammer out.

I totally stole the boxed-demon idea from eighth_horizon.

Chapters 1-29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Aug. 26th, 2007


Second Sight: For How Shall I Endure

For how shall I endure
Thirteenth in the Second Sight Universe
By Maygra

Supernatural, all audiences, future-fic, angst.

(3,238 words)

The characters and situations portrayed here are not mine, they belong to the WB. This is a fan authored work and no profit is being made. Please do not link to this story without appropriate warnings. Please do not archive this story without my permission.

"For how shall I endure to see the evil that shall befall my people?

Second Sight Index is [[here]]

Aug. 22nd, 2007


The Wrong Ending

Title: The Wrong Ending
Rating: PG13
Pairing/Characters: Gen: Dean, Sam, the Yellow-Eyed Demon
Notes/Disclaimers/Summary: AU. Spoilers through 2x14.
Dean isn’t sure what he had expected when they finally caught up to the Yellow-Eyed Demon, but it isn’t this, it isn’t Sam’s death.

Link to the fic