St. Margaret's


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Posts Tagged: 'location:+ashton%27s+lair'

Jul. 1st, 2016



Narrative: Another Departure

WHO: Ashton Hartley - Celebrimbor Helyanwë & Barclay Grisholt - Mentions of Headmistress Menides
WHEN: July 1, sundown
WHERE: Ashton's room, Hydra dorms - Ashton's lair - Under the castle, Courtyard

The pair rose high above the Academy until they were a small black blot, and then sailed away on the wind. )

Dec. 6th, 2014



Thread: Hunting Techniques

WHO: Daniel & Ashton
WHEN: Dec 6, full moon
WHERE: The woods, the ocean, the cliffs, Ashton's lair

Not far from his lair was a jutting rock that was one of his favorite places to perch. )

Oct. 29th, 2014



Thread: Lucky Rabbit Foot

WHO: Ashton Hartley/Celebrimbor and OPEN
WHEN: Tues night/Weds morning in the wee hours
WHERE: Sport Fields

Turning his horn crested head with a snort of disbelief, Celebrimbor saw the white rabbit racing at a mad pace across the field away from him )

Sep. 13th, 2014



Thread: St. George & the Dragon

WHO: Ambriel Triádhos and Ashton Hartley
WHERE: The cliffs, near Ashton's cave
WHEN: September 10th, early morning

A serpent of Satan. )

Aug. 22nd, 2014



Thread: Safe

WHO: Bark and Ash
WHEN: Early morning
WHERE: Barclay's room, Hydra Dorms

He laid quietly, listening to Barclay breathe, and the smell of dragonfire and crisp ozone from his high flight altitudes was fresh on his skin, intermingling with the down to earth smells of the druid. )

May. 15th, 2014



Thread: Draconic Patrol

WHO: Callidora Manikas & Ashton Hartley
NPCs: Random weres
WHEN: The evening after these texts
WHERE: The cliffs, near Ashton's lair

This curse was ever so bothersome. )

Apr. 4th, 2014



Log: Blinded By Greed

WHO: Trent & Ashton
WHEN: 4th April 2014
WHERE: Ashton’s Lair
WARNINGS: Somebody gets hurt boys and girls and I'll give you three guesses as to who it is, but you'll only need one ;)

Besides Trent had no interest in the gold, never had and never would. )

Mar. 15th, 2014



Thread: Trespasser

WHO: Mena and Ashton
WHEN: Late evening, early morning
WHERE: The ocean, Ashton's Lair

He did his best frightening roar. )