Most beliefs have them - a place for the good and a place for the bad. Your actions in life determine where you go and what happens after. Simple enough. Or it was until the Prophecy. Something was coming. Something was building and it would affect everyone. Both sides. And neither was willing to wait.
"Thine soul is bound, the need is great, the mists have called, accept your fate"


Posts Tagged: '-player:+mj'

Feb. 23rd, 2020



filtered :: magicians

Happy Birthday, Q.

We having a fucking rager or what?

Feb. 21st, 2020



[No Subject]

Who: Poe Dameron & Finn
What: An overdue reunion
When: Not long after this post.
Where: Lobby of the apartments & beyond
Rating: Low
Status: Complete | Log

When something's not there, just yet, you put something else in its place. )

Feb. 18th, 2020



Mission Comms: Steve Rogers

This brings back memories. Some more pleasant than others. I almost forgot how much I hate Nazis, almost being the key word in that sentence - how are things on your end?

Feb. 17th, 2020



Filter: Barnes/Rogers

I'm at home base and I'll stay here. But if you need me to do anything, given the enemy is who it is and what I know, I'll do it. But only if you two agree.

Feb. 15th, 2020



Backdated to this morning.

FILTER TO: Delta Squad, Echo Squad, Leanne Ogden, Grant Ward, Rey, Cassandra Pentaghast, Luke Skywalker, Margo Hanson, Alicia Spinnet, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes

So, who wants to fight Nazis?

You're headed to France in 1944. Dijon to be precise.

Barnes, Rogers, you won't meet yourselves or your friends, they're elsewhere. We're sending you as native guides and your translator because frankly, my choice amuses me. We need you to stop your old enemy from allying with the German forces. And obviously, see what you can pick up about the Enemy. They have a hand in this.

I'll be taking you through the mists tonight. At 8pm. We'll set up from there. Get ready.

Feb. 14th, 2020



[No Subject]

For those unaware. I've been appointed the planner of parties. Which, is completely legit.

Anyway. I felt it my duty to inform you all, that there will be a Valentine's Day party tomorrow night.

Feel free to do your sappy, loved up stuff elsewhere, if you want to do one on one dinner dates, or something. But, trust me. The party will be epic. As all of my parties are.

Speaking of, want to put our own special twist on things?

Sooo, lunch tomorrow?

Feb. 9th, 2020



[No Subject]

Is anyone else finding this place mind-numbingly dull?

Feb. 2nd, 2020



Log: Teddy & Billy

Teddy Altman & Billy Kaplan
“Every parting is a form of death, as every reunion is a type of heaven.”
WHAT: Billy comes back from his mission
WHEN: After the mission
WHERE: Their room
STATUS: Complete | Log

Read more... )

Feb. 1st, 2020



[No Subject]

Fuck this.

Jan. 29th, 2020



Network Post: Quentin Coldwater

Just found out that somebody I knew from back home, somebody I really care about, has returned home, I guess.

And I'm not happy for him.

I mean let's be honest here he has way more to miss and way more people to miss him and it's not like he's had much chance to live for the last few months.

This just sucks. I really thought- God, I'm an idiot.

So uh, yeah, I'm going to dig into the texts we brought back and see if anything shakes loose.



[No Subject]

I am sorry to inform you that the following people have gone:
  • Crazy Jane
  • Eliot Waugh
  • Larry Trainer
  • Seymour Birkoff
  • Solona Amell

I'm afraid we still do not know where they go. But, I hope that they have gone home.

If anyone wishes to look into this, please do. As I would like to know what happens as much as you do.



» jean grey | network 1

I'm still unsure of all of this. There's so many ... I can hear too much usually. It's stopped for now... Thankfully?

My name is Jean Grey. I'm a mutant I am going to apologise if anyone is psionically sensitive and has been... dealing with me. I'm trying to keep things controlled, by nightmares are... common.

Jan. 23rd, 2020



[No Subject]

Anybody seen Peter anywhere? I swung by to see him and check in, but he wasn't in his room.



Network Post: Quentin Coldwater

[Mission Team]
So between being spied on, that creepy messenger trying to throw us off by sending us to Tannis instead of Akhetatan, the comms repeating "NO ORDER NO ORDER NO ORDER" over and over again and then the attack on home base I think it's safe to say that I personally cannot wait to get back to Equilibrium.

Just need to make sure everybody's stable enough for the trip back.



[No Subject]

Now I've settled in, I suppose I should introduce myself. My name is Alec Lightwood and I've been designated as the Negotiation Lead, whatever that entails.

Those of you who are Negotiators, it would be good to get to know you as we'll be working together quite closely. Feel free to comment on here or, if you would rather, we can meet up somewhere and talk.

Jan. 22nd, 2020



Network Post: Cassandra Pentaghast

The irony of my being conscripted into a war I did not choose does not escape me.

Your Ser Galahad tells me I am to plan missions? Very well. I am Seeker Cassandra, and will be addressed as such. I will require a full tactical breakdown of our available assets, along with the presenting threats and acceptable win conditions, if I am to fulfill the role effectively.

I shall not be left to wander the drifting roads of the Beyond
For there is no darkness in the Maker's Light
And nothing that He has wrought shall be lost

Jan. 19th, 2020



Network Post: Teddy Altman

So... my fiance who is pretty damn prone to accidents and bad shit happening to him is away on a mission and I literally have to do something to take my mind off that or I'm going to go insane.




Comms: Homebase

I hope you're all hearing this. Honestly, it's a bloody weird idea. But, I guess if the network works.

I saw someone spying on us. I'm going to investigate.

I really really hope you can hear me.



LOG: Poe & Rey

Who: Rey & Poe Dameron
What: Not so long after Poe's arrival - they meet up.
When: Around January 11th? (Backdated before the update)
Where: The path near HQ.
Rating: Low
Status: In Progress / Open.

Rey hadn’t been here so long herself before Poe arrived - the strange thing was, so many from their galaxy had arrived. )

Jan. 12th, 2020



Network Post: Jefferson

Literally just arrived and now I'm expected to look after this?

I sincerely hope this is somebody's idea of a joke.