2nd Apr, 2013



Spangles and I went to explore our fun new playground, and I've got to say, it's pretty damn impressive. It's underwater, by the way. There are people, a lot of people, along with transportation and parks. People and trees make me safely assume that there's oxygen, and it's an entire city. Like where we came from, just... you know, underwater. Oh, and the architecture looks like its verging on the fourties, so it's possible that the culture is that way too. It was hard to tell by watching everyone, but I guess if Capsy can adjust to our time, we could adjust to his if the time came.

The tower is there. If something happens where we could find ourselves in trouble, I have every intention on moving everybody into it.

The fact is, there are no monsters and nothing is on fire. I say it's a go.

24th Mar, 2013



[dean & cas]
I tried Occlumency. I [...] have a talent for it, but the similarities to [...] well, my other powers are a little unnerving. It doesn't require any [...] but I'm still not sure it's worth the risk.

My instinct is to say no, but anything else I do to try to reinforce the wall or protect myself from what's behind it is probably going to involve something similar. Anything involving using my mind to fight it, I mean. I can talk to Anna or Peter about it to be sure, but [...]

I don't know. This is the point where I was hoping you'd tell me what you think.

[peter petrelli]
I know we haven't spoken much, but Cas told me you might be able to help me with something. Whenever you have a moment, I'd like to talk to you about it.

Private to Harry

Private to Harry )



[Private to Harry (bleedsgold)]

So, I'm officially off lockdown. I just have to like, report back whenever I decide to go out and fight monsters.

How's it going?

21st Mar, 2013



[Private to Claire]
So you gonna be more careful?



So. Um. I was thinking. With all this talk and worry of the portal Glory could make leading us somewhere like, really terrible and scary, worse than this place, I tried to think of a way to make it less of a gamble. Then it came to me! Astral projection! Carter's mentioned doing it before and I think I could help someone astrally project through the whatever portal Glory makes so we can see if it's, you know, safe. And not totally awful.

I just can't project myself. That takes more power than I feel comfortable accessing right now, but using myself as an anchor, I can project someone else. There's another catch, I figure if we ask Glory to make a portal, that's it. We get that one shot. So we kinda have to be decided on that being our choice as a group, you know?

Keeping options open... so let me know. This place is really starting to give me the wiggins and I don't feel safe here. The sooner we decide, the better. Not to sound bossy or anything. It's just. I don't like this place any more.

[Private to Harry]

I don't think I have to tell you that you're coming with us through this portal if that's what ends up happening, right?



Private to Harry Osborn )

20th Mar, 2013



[severus snape]
Is it possible for a muggle non-magical person to learn Occlumency?

Or use a Pensieve? Though I don't know how we'd get one of those.



[Private to Dean]

If you're not currently hiding from a monster or about to be eaten by one, can you PLEASE come and get me?