14 April 2007 @ 02:49 pm
TEAM WARTIME ENTRY: Meri Oddities "No Way Back"  

Original poster: snarrymod

Title: No Way Back
Author: Meri ([info]meri_oddities)
Email: Meri_oddities[at]yahoo[dot]com
Team: War Time
Rating: Adult
Warnings/Spoilers: Drag mouse over space if you wish to know: * Harry is an ADULT trapped in the body of an under-18 year old. He is NOT under 18, but proceed at your own risk if this could be a problem where you live. *
Genre/s: AU and Angst
Prompt: Time Bomb
Word count: 77,779

Summary: At the end of fifth year, Harry falls into a mirror and is forever changed by the experience.

Disclaimer 1: This world and everything in it belong to JK Rowling. I'm just playing here and I'll give the characters back unharmed when I'm done.
Disclaimer 2: My story starts with the same premise as Midnight Blue's Mirror of Maybe -- that Harry Potter goes through a magical mirror at the end of fifth year, and lives another life -- after that our stories diverge and my story isn't a rewrite of hers. I also have written permission from Midnight Blue to use her concept.
Note 1: Special thanks to Fabula Rasa for the Latin incantation in part 15. It was above and beyond to provide me with that and I can't thank her enough.
Note 2: Many, many thanks to my fabulous betas: [info]regan_v , [info]bethbethbeth , [info]joanwilder, and [info]painless_j . Any mistakes after all their hard work are my own.

No Way Back )