22 October 2008 @ 07:55 am
TEAM PHOENIX ENTRY: "I Lied" by Mara  
Title: I Lied
Artist: [info]inoru_no_hoshi/Mara
Team: Phoenix!
Email: myuu_foxgirl[AT]yahoo[DOT]com
Genre(s): Romance
Prompt(s): Message in a Bottle, Return to Me
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: PG.
Artist's Notes/Thank you's: I love the way this turned out! Definitely one of my finest ever. Working on this was a learning experience, once again proving that no matter how good I get, there's always something new to learn. Many, many thanks to my team-mates, without whom this would not look half so nice. you all!
Media used: WACOM tablet, PSP6
Archiving/Usage permission, including the Tribute Video (only after the polls have closed and medals have been awarded): Yes. :)

Dial-up users note large image under cut.

The truth is... )
22 October 2008 @ 06:54 pm
Recap for October 18th through 22nd  
All of our artists have been creating such great works, here's what's been posted these last five days, just in case you missed anything:

Recap, Part II )

Other recaps
22 October 2008 @ 09:45 pm
TEAM DRAGON ENTRY: "Beggars Would Ride" by Lampblack  
Title: Beggars Would Ride
Artist: [info]lampblack
Team: Dragon
Email: lampblack108 {at} hotmail
Genre(s): Alternate Reality*Hover/Click for Games Definition of Alternate Reality*, Romance
Prompt(s): Master And Servant
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: G
Artist's Notes/Thank you's: No Friesians were harmed in the making of this drawing.
Media used: Graphite pencil on Bristol Plate
Archiving/Usage permission, including the Tribute Video (only after the polls have closed and medals have been awarded): Yes

Beggars Would Ride, by Lampblack )