20 October 2008 @ 08:02 am
TEAM PHOENIX ENTRY: "Rose and Fire" by Venturous  
Title: Rose and Fire
Artist: [info]venturous
Email: venturous1 AT gmail
Genre(s): Angst
Prompt(s): Flames of Passion, Mutual Surrender
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: R, cursed snakey tattoo
Artist's Notes/Thank you's:I am incredibly grateful to the creative and patient mods, and my fellow Team Phoenix artists. One year ago I was just discovering fandom, and the Snarry Games rocked my world. It is an honor and a privilege to be a participant.

It has been an amazing experience to work with a team, especially these incredibly talented and helpful Phoenixes. Believe me, this art would be much less satisfying without their awesome support!

The painting is inspired by an incredible story from Team Phoenix Author [info]perverse_idyll ,When the Rose and the Fire are One. The story just begged for a painting, and I had to oblige. I only wish there had been time to paint a huge tryptych, so intense is the visual, passionate intensity of this tale!

Media used: oil on canvas, PS
Archiving/Usage permission, including the Tribute Video (only after the polls have closed and medals have been awarded): please enjoy, but ask, and give attribution.

Rose and Fire, by Venturous )
20 October 2008 @ 09:22 pm
TEAM DRAGON ENTRY: "Captured" By Andreanna  
Title: Captured
Artist: [info]andreanna
Team: Dragon!
Email: andreannaness [at] hotmail
Genre(s): Alternate Universe *Hover/Click for Games Definition of Alternate Universe*
Prompt(s): Photograph, Stand by your Man
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: G, for hugging d'awwwww
Artist's Notes/Thank you's: Hah, I've colored this four different ways XD But I definitely like this one's feel the best. And, Gosh! I have to say it every year, a HUGE thank you to the Snarry Mods. You make this fantastic project possible. The HP fandom would be weaker without you.
Media used: Tablet, OpenCanvas
Archiving/Usage permission, including the Tribute Video (only after the polls have closed and medals have been awarded): Yes for archiving and tribute video, for all other usage, please ask :D

Captured, by Andreanna )