21 October 2006 @ 01:52 am

Original poster: djin7

Today we recognize the hard-won achievement and dedication of artists and their teams who strive for excellence in Snarry. I know that every Champion worked hard for the good of their team and they all deserve highest marks for their efforts. We were all lucky to have won something during these Games.

However, in the competition we set out to do, the Snarry Games Judges (you, the readers) have voted to score these teams, both having shown up to these Games with the most stellar of performances, allowing one to edge out the other for Gold.

Ladies and gentlemen, our Snarry Games GOLD MEDAL WINNERS, with a total of 884 out of a possible 1026 points:

Team Romance!

Congratulations to our 2006 Snarry Art Games Gold Medal Winners!

Team Romance )

And our SILVER MEDAL WINNERS, with a total of 845 out of a possible 1026 points:

Team Angst!

Congratulations to our 2006 Snarry Games Silver Medal Winners!

Team Angst )
21 October 2006 @ 04:03 pm
Thank you to all the Games Mods!  

Original poster: swtalmnd

To show our gratitude for all your hard work, we've created a comm just to thank all the mods of the [info]snarry_games, especially our fearless leader, [info]djin7. We'd like to invite everyone to come on over and check it out, and share in our little celebration of the first Snarry Art Games!


Mods, please check your Community Invites just in case some of the posts are still locked, to be sure you see all the hilarious art that was created just for you guys!
Current Mood: thankful