
Welcome to RPG-Connect! This community was designed as the middle ground for rpg advertising communities on insanejournal. When I was browsing IJ, I came across two types of ad communities: the over-restricted and the under-restricted. To me, most of the communities had lost it's personal touch with the roleplaying world. Here at RPG-Connect, our goal is to help quality players and games find one another. Are you looking for a home to place your character or find a person to fill your roleplaying needs? Do you want your game ad to reach the right kind of people? Look no further because you'll find that here.


game review
affiliation request


November 2023


Posts Tagged: 'genre:+supernatural'

May. 31st, 2022



[No Subject]

The Lonely Planet

You are alone. Your people are alone.

Sometimes greed goes too far, it's even worse when that greed has access to technology they don't have a grasp of yet, it's even worse when that greed has magic they have no grasp of.

The year was 2374 and everything should have been fine. The Sol system had long been fighting with itself. Who had the right to roam freely? Who had the right to technology? Who did space belong to? Unfortunately, someone finally decided they were going to take what they wanted. The only problem? They weren't ready for the deck of cards they were about to draw.

There was an explosion, no one could explain it. No one can explain it even now.

Nearly 300 years later, it's 2672.

Cities were refounded, governments fell apart to be rebuilt at a local level, there was no possibility to travel beyond the asteroid belt any more. Say bye bye to hundreds of years of work to make a few of the moons and asteroids around Jupiter and Saturn habitable. Forget it. Donezo. Over with. Cancelled.

Those who survived were irreparably changed. But not just changed, tossed far into the future, ripples surrounding them as they stood on ground they once lived on - now long abandoned, a shimmer of light in the distance where a singular building had survived, thrived. And it wasn't just them either, there were new faces - other faces, new memories. But they'd survive again, they had to.

Welcome to the era of scavengers. Welcome to the age of mercenaries. Welcome to the period of every damn man for themself.

Does your cell phone work? Sure. Do you really want to risk crossing the desert that now is the mid-west to go on a little vacation to Malibu? Maybe freaking not.


Aug. 25th, 2021



Game Opening September 1st

Travel Through Time and Realities
The Ab Aeterno Bus has been traveling through time and realities for centuries. No one knows who created it or why. The Bus will pull you in and show you worlds you didn't know existed (and may not want to know them).

A jolly conductor welcomes to the bus, and tells you about the different features on the bus. He's friendly and always ready to talk to you, but he doesn't know much about how the bus works or how it moves without a driver, but it does.

When your time on the bus ends, you're taken back to the point in time when you stepped in. All memories of the bus will be gone, and you will go on enjoying your regular life.

Come be a part of a new game and start making it great from the ground up!


Jul. 27th, 2020



[No Subject]



A delinquent vampire took you in a filthy bathroom at a rave, the music pounding as your young sire panicked after a feeding gone wrong. He gave you some of his Blood, and you collapsed in the ecstatic agony of the Embrace. You come to an hour later and stagger into the night a vampire, with no idea of what’s going on. How do you connect with the rest of the World of Darkness?

It’s not easy. The Masquerade means that it’s hard for vampires to find each other, especially in big cities. You don’t know the Traditions, and you broke the Prince’s law before you even knew there was a Prince.

When you finally find your way to Elysium, you discover that ignorance is no excuse in the courts of the immortals. Authorities far beyond the ken of mortals can sentence you to death – to the true death, this time.

But maybe you get to live. What’s the shape of the world you enter? What’s happening in the world of vampires?

Will you survive :


[info]nybynight is based on Vampire: The Masquerade and is a Camarilla focused chronicle with Anarch Movement undertones focusing on the uses of power, the dead hand of the past, and the questions of safety and duty versus honor and freedom as the Second Inquisition pushes in upon them.

No previous knowledge is needed to play.


Feb. 10th, 2020



[No Subject]

And Now They Come Into The World Anew
In the days of old, the world was at peace and all was well—until it wasn't.

Zeus, to the understanding of none, started a fight with the Primordials — known to be stronger and more powerful than even the King of the Gods. For reasons unknown, he ordered all of his people into battle with the ancient ones and the ones who didn't go willingly, he forced.

In an explosion and a flash of light that could be seen for days, Zeus was destroyed. However, in the backlash, all of the other gods also disappeared and were sent into a never-ending cycle of death and rebirth. This was not something any of them had expected.

Erebus and Nyx did their best to keep everything running, but they were not ones that were happy ruling and overseeing things. They and the rest of their family did what they could, but the arrival of other created gods caused belief in the old ones to start to fade as they got weaker, one by one they also were sent into a cycle of death and reincarnation.

It's now present day and the gods have begun waking up in Olympia, Washington...
Brand new game opening on February 16th looking for players.

Any creature or human from Greek mythology is welcome.

Low stress environment with unlimited potential storylines.


Oct. 27th, 2019



[No Subject]


Our story is about a town, a small town, and the people who live in the town. From a distance, it presents itself like so many other small towns all over the world; safe, decent, innocent. Get closer, though, and you start seeing the shadows underneath. The name of our town is Riverdale...

WELCOME TO RIVERDALE is a pan-fandom game set against the backdrop of the CW's Riverdale and Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa's Archie comics. Mixing elements of magical realism, urban legend/fabulism, and the modern horror genre, we seek to seamlessly blend some of our favorite fandoms and thrust them into the most horrifying landscape of all: suburbia.

Come find a seat at Pop's, order a milkshake (vegan and dairy-free are on the menu now), and stay awhile.

Oct. 16th, 2019



[No Subject]



A Panfandom RPG

We are a Panfandom RPG that takes place on a subtropical barrier island based on Jacksonville Beach, Florida.

Characters arrive on the sandy beach with a backpack beside them that includes a cell phone, the key to a beachfront condo, and a pre-paid debit card loaded with $1000 to cover initial expenses while the character gets used to their new surroundings.

There is no note or any explanation of how they have arrived there, or why.

This is a game that prioritizes character development and CR over character hoarding and complex plots. While plots can and will occur, they will be simple in nature and allow plenty of room for characters to do with them whatever they wish.

This is an old school game for players who want to write and develop their characters more than they want to make fancy journals. Because certain adult themes will be permitted, players must be 18+.

We are a BRAND NEW GAME and almost all characters are still available, so if you're hoping to snag that hard-to-get character, stop by - there's a good chance they're still available!

Game will be opening November 1!!!


Aug. 20th, 2019



[No Subject]


Four months have now passed since that dreadful day at Hogwarts. The Day Harry Potter was killed. Lord Voldemort's defeat of Harry Potter sparked a new, darker age in the Wizarding World. Death Eaters have begin to build their empire on the back of those they deem lesser than themselves, and slowly but surely they have begun to control their world from the inside out. Soon they will move on from the UK, eyes on other prizes and other muggles for use in their sport and their enslavement programs.

All is not lost however. The Order of the Phoenix that was once scattered, divided and leaderless has begun to rise up against the Death Eaters, plotting and rebuilding their network a little bit at a time. They desire not power, but defeat of the Dark Lord and everything that he has begun to build. All they desire is freedom.


[info]obliviaterpg is a post-war game beginning a month after the final battle at Hogwarts. We will be exploring life in a post-war world where Voldemort has seemingly won.

Aug. 17th, 2019



[No Subject]



A Panfandom RPG

We are a Panfandom RPG that takes place on a subtropical barrier island based on Jacksonville Beach, Florida.

Characters arrive on the sandy beach with a backpack beside them that includes a cell phone, the key to a beachfront condo, and a pre-paid debit card loaded with $1000 to cover initial expenses while the character gets used to their new surroundings.

There is no note or any explanation of how they have arrived there, or why.

This is a game that prioritizes character development and CR over character hoarding and complex plots. While plots can and will occur, they will be simple in nature and allow plenty of room for characters to do with them whatever they wish.

This is an old school game for players who want to write and develop their characters more than they want to make fancy journals. Because certain adult themes will be permitted, players must be 18+.

We are a BRAND NEW GAME and almost all characters are still available, so if you're hoping to snag that hard-to-get character, stop by - there's a good chance they're still available!

Game will be opening August 24th!!!


Jul. 16th, 2019



Some Reality


[info]somerealityrpg & [info]somerealityweb via [info]somerealitymods

Feb. 24th, 2019



[No Subject]

No one knew where the mysterious fog came from. They only knew it was killing them in varying degrees depending on their blood status. A small group of muggleborn, halfblood, and pureblood wizards escaped underground to live to fight against whatever caused it, building a city along the way.

Media Terra is a cross-gen Marauders and Trio-era game set in a subterranean city of refugees working to reclaim their lives aboveground while clashing with the forces above who would rather see most of them dead.



Sep. 16th, 2018



Two Minutes to Midnight

Two Minutes to Midnight
A comic-inspired real-world AU
On the 25th of January, 2018, the Science and Security Board of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists set the Doomsday Clock to two minutes to midnight. While typically focusing on nuclear risk, climate change, and emerging technologies, the Bulletin was forced to take growing metahuman policies into consideration which culminated in a response that the world is heading even more rapidly toward their own man-made doomsday.

This game expands on the idea of this imminent danger by placing superhuman characters in a world where the tide of metahuman panic is at an all-time high.

There are no Avengers or Justice League to save us. Only the everyday citizens who choose to stand up and fight against tick-tock of the doomsday clock.

Sep. 13th, 2018



Underland Asylum

Underland Asylum
Reality is Questionable...
"You look decent enough, but appearances deceive:
I know you for an unstable and violent person.
A long stay under supervision would serve you right."

An OC twisted Wonderland game, where Patients are a unique clientèle that may or may not be from a now-corrupt Wonderland. And Staff experience the dark and twisted past of an odd Victorian Asylum. The deeper into the Asylum you go the stranger the world becomes.

Aug. 18th, 2018



[No Subject]

NAVIGATE Mod Journal
Drop Box
You awake on a pristine beach, the clear blue water lapping at your toes. You can't remember how you got here, but you feel good. The sun is warm and pleasant, it's not too hot, and the sound of birds fills the air. A breeze from the sea ruffles the leaves of the trees. The gentle lapping of the waves on the shore is steady and calm.

As you rise, you discover that you are on an island. It's hard to say where the island is, but you can tell by the position of the sun (and the stars at night) that you're at a rather low latitude, and on Earth. It's not tiny, but it's not large, either. You could walk the perimeter of it in a couple of hours if you walked quickly. It's lush, green, and the middle part rises above you, full of thick undergrowth and undoubtedly a good number of surprises.

Not long after, a young woman approaches you. Or at least, she appears to be young. It's hard to say exactly how old she is, or exactly what she is, but she is beautiful beyond measure, with olive skin, black hair, and almond shaped eyes. She tells you that her name is Ava, and that she is the protector of this island. She tells you that she has brought you here, and that while you may not leave, she will do her best to see that you are as happy as possible. Her answers are vague and often incomplete, but there is no sense of danger. She is not here to hurt you. She does, however, exude a power beyond anything you have ever experienced...

[info]maroonedrpg is an 18+ panfandom RPG that takes place on a deserted island watched over by a strong and undefined supernatural force. It is a survival game, but in the best sense - this is not a place where survival will be difficult. The land is lush and full of things to eat and drink. It is also a game that encourages character development. While there may be an occasional gamewide plot, the game will focus more on examining your characters and finding their strengths and weakness when they find themselves tested by a new way of life.

This game is new and there are an infinite number of characters available! The game will open either on September 1, or when we have 5 players, whichever comes first!

Jul. 15th, 2018



[No Subject]

wanted characters
 Plainsite Studios is more than meets the eye. For one thing, it's owned and operated by a dragon. For another, it employs the single highest proportion of supernatural beings in LA.

Plainsite is a supernatural GPSL set in and around Plainsite Studios, a fictional movie/TV/music studio in Los Angeles. We may have only recently opened, but we're already going strong, with a great bunch of writers and a whole lot of character lines we'd love you to fill.

So join us... if you dare.

Click the menu to the left for more info.
the surfer dude
Name: Open
Species: wolf, incubus, or human

Character concept: Surfer Dude, Corporate Dropout - I'm thinking he was the one that got her (re)interested in surfing and maybe introduced her to some of the other 'new age-y' pursuits she enjoys today. Could be a past and possibly current lover.

Suggested PB: Any dude who looks like he could be a surfer and catch Leah's eye for being good enough to eat.
Wanted for: Leah
For more info, contact Strider:
strider#9388 (discord)
striderramses72 (gmail)
the choreo's assistant
Name: Open
Species: open for negotiation

Character concept: A choreography assistant for SeaFin Studio.

Suggested PB: Megan Fox, or anyone that might fit the premise, gender is not an issue.
Wanted for: Caspian
For more info, contact Rae:
theraeness#1928 (discord)
theblackestvulture (gmail)
the next big writer
Name: Open
Species: open

Character concept: Character is a writer of [The Next Big Thing] an extremely popular series of novels on the scale of Game Of Thrones or Lord Of The Rings that would allow the studios to crank out connected movies for the next decade. They'll all be wining and dining the author for them to sell the film rights to the works.

Suggested PB: Open
For more info, contact the mods:
strider#9388 (discord)
faithinthesound#3295 (discord)
plainsitemods (gmail)
the complicated ex
Name: Kasey (open to negotiation)
Species: wolf

Character concept: Brash, ballsy, aggressive werewolf from the east coast. Complicated relationship with Brian, whom she turned (from antagonistic to loyal in a flat second). Could be a permanent character or visiting one.

Suggested PB: Open (female).
Wanted for: Brian
For more info, contact Kate:
eyelinergirls#3216 (discord)
girlsineyeliner (gmail)
the comrade-in-arms
Name: Open
Species: vampire, wolf, incubus

Character concept: Old Comrade in Arms. This character served with Elliot during the Civil War, either as a fellow officer or a non-commissioned officer (some kind of Sergeant) under his command during the Civil War, and/or the Indian wars afterwards. They either were turned after he disappeared (vampire or wolf) or were born that way (incubus or wolf). He's someone he can talk to who he doesn't have to hide who he is and what he's been through, who knows what he's been through because they were there beside him.

Suggested PB: Open, but white male most realistic.
Wanted for: Elliot
For more info, contact Strider:
strider#9388 (discord)
striderramses72 (gmail)
the personal assistant
Name: Open
Species: vampire, succubus

Character concept: Personal Assistant; The one person Xahrrel listens to on the rare occasion. His handler, the person who takes care of his schedule, gets him motivated, and gets him out into the public eye. They take care of unwanted press and deal with the agency. This is someone that he trusts implicitly, that he's come to rely on for support. They seek out anyone the incubus wants to bed for the night on the rare occasion, or turn anyone away as the case may be. Zedd takes care of her, she has a room at his home in the West Hills if she wants it.

Suggested PB: Open
Wanted for: Zedd
For more info, contact Zee:
alizadee#1348 (discord)
zheemarie (gmail)
the arm candy
Name: Open
Species: human

Character concept: Arm Candy; not necessarily someone he likes, but they play nice for the cameras. It's all a publicity stunt. The girl the public believes he's with, their PDA is almost predictable. The paparazzi love them, the bad boy and the sweetheart. They go their separate ways at the end of the night and both are happy to do so. She may or may not know what he is.

Suggested PB: Gigi Hadid, Perrie Edwards, Open (female)
Wanted for: Zedd
For more info, contact Zee:
alizadee#1348 (discord)
zheemarie (gmail)
the "rubbish" actor
Name: Open
Species: open

Character concept: The 'Rubbish' Actor—This character is a failed low level actor who had a few guest star roles early on but hasn't been able to make it work since. They keep auditioning but lose out almost every time, getting just enough work to keep up the delusion that they can make it. The truth is they just aren't that good and can't see it themselves.

Suggested PB: Open
For more info, contact the mods:
strider#9388 (discord)
faithinthesound#3295 (discord)
plainsitemods (gmail)
the scumbag paparazzo
Name: Open
Species: Human

Character concept: 'Scumbag' Paparazzo: There's money to be made stalking celebrities and this guy is the king at it. He'll go to great lengths to get that photo, possibly including breaking the law if its juicy enough. Getting the shot is all that matters, and definitely not the safety or privacy of the celeb. He's not evil, just in it for the money and the celebs are putting themselves out there to be seen, right?

Suggested PB: Danny Devito comes to mind, but open to suggestions
For more info, contact the mods:
strider#9388 (discord)
faithinthesound#3295 (discord)
plainsitemods (gmail)

Jun. 12th, 2018


[No Subject]


The Console
a panfandom rpg



[No Subject]

an original, horror based game

Apr. 23rd, 2018



[No Subject]

Read more... )

Apr. 11th, 2018


Sixth Iteration

  • â–º Multiple events every month
  • â–º Fandom, AU, CRAU & OCs OK
  • â–º Slow-to-medium paced
  • â–º Easy AC
  • â–º Buy back powers/magic

Sixth Iteration is driven by two sides of the same coin: The unwitting characters thrust into a survival scenario, and the Observers who placed them there. As a player, you portray both.

Using a vivid, lifelike simulation, the Observers have been preparing their subjects for their eventual life on a new planet. They test their physical, mental and emotional fortitude, stoke their curiosity and test their patience. How far can they be pushed before they break? What is the secret formula to balance productivity and morale?

Meanwhile, the characters are simply trying to find their way through — To survive, to thrive, to find any answers to why they're there or how to get home. Some days it's easier than others. And now, the simulation has ended and the stakes are much higher.

6I is a plot-guided game with survival elements and ample opportunity for personal storylines and CR. The meta plot steers the ship, but there’s plenty of room for smaller adventures and "slice of life" moments. We're NOT a horror game, although horror elements may occasionally be used on an opt-in basis. As Observers, players may purchase plot elements and "gifts" to further test or inspire their characters in a wide variety of ways — How difficult and mind-bending their experience becomes is up to you. We're a slower-paced game open since summer 2016, and our group is enthusiastic and very friendly.

Apr. 2nd, 2018



[No Subject]

[info]deadlight Winter may be the best time to stay inside in some locations, but in Wellspring - a quaint resort town in the heart of the Canadian Rockies - it is time to get out and explore. Just try not to get killed by the demon in the woods while you're out there!

Jan. 29th, 2018



the shadow before - an original character game


On the surface, Point Pleasant, Maine certainly appears to be the kind of idyllic coastal town that every tourist would want to flock to during the warm summer months. It has that welcoming small town atmosphere that draws you in and makes you feel as though you belong. Locals will be sure to point out its gorgeous harbor, cozy little shops, the pollution free night skies, clear and full of stars... not to mention its disturbing fascinating history.

What the locals won't tell you is that for the past three hundred and twenty three years, Point Pleasant has unwittingly served as a nexus for the supernatural, the metaphysical, the evil and the damned. There are plenty who are dismissive of its history. After all, every town has a run of bad luck here and there. So what if Point Pleasant has an unusually high number of missing persons... strange and unexplainable deaths happen. That? That wasn't a monster you saw... monsters aren't real. Right?

Oh, everyone wants to talk about what's happening in their town, and yet no one really wants to talk about it. They're content with going on with their lives, getting through school, making another buck, getting through the day in one piece. But what they don't know is that ignoring the evil won't make it go away. Those who ignore the past are doomed to repeat it, isn't that what they say? Simply put, whatever has been drawing the darkness into their small town is only getting started, and nobody is safe.

The Shadow Before is an original, horror based game set in the fictional town of Point Pleasant, Maine. This game is inspired by various elements of horror and the supernatural, and will include both game wide plots as well as individual arcs. Warning: Mature and dark themes lie ahead.