Queer as Folk Drabbles - November 29th, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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November 29th, 2012

gusmas 2012 [Nov. 29th, 2012|01:50 am]


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Title: Starry, Starry Night: Different/Similar Views
Author: mander3_swish
A/N: drabylon dollar, qaf_land member, kinnetik_sun member
Prompt: Nov 27: starry night sky picture prompt

1 )

2 )
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It's Even Worse Than Last Year III+IV [Nov. 29th, 2012|08:36 pm]
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Title: It's Even Worse Than Last Year
Author: xheartrockx
Prompt(s): starry night (picture prompt), "Here in town..."
Notes: This is the sequel to The Worst Holiday Season Ever – which you should read in order for this to make sense. This starts shortly after Thanksgiving and follows the prompts in order. Sometimes it's one prompt!day per fic!day, sometimes I use more than one prompt to tell a day in the fic.

Starry Night )


3am )
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