Sep. 17th, 2007


The Bet, part 2

Title: The Bet
Author: [info]xochiquetzl
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Summary: Severus and Remus make a bet that Remus won't want to have sex every night for a month. Originally posted on [info]pervy_werewolf for the Lusty Month of May Marathon.
Warning: Bondage, cross-dressing, sex in inappropriate places, etc.
Author's Notes: Endless heartfelt gratitude to Quercus for the beta, [info]innocent_lex for the Britpick, and [info]_lore for a fresh pair of eyes before posting. And more gratitude to [info]argyle_s and [info]regan_v for pelting me with story ideas. :)

Continues part 1 here.

I solemnly swear I am over 18. )


The Bet, part 1

Title: The Bet
Author: [info]xochiquetzl
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Summary: Severus and Remus make a bet that Remus won't want to have sex every night for a month. Originally posted on [info]pervy_werewolf for the Lusty Month of May Marathon.
Warning: Bondage, cross-dressing, sex in inappropriate places, etc.
Author's Notes: Endless heartfelt gratitude to Quercus for the beta, [info]innocent_lex for the Britpick, and [info]_lore for a fresh pair of eyes before posting. And more gratitude to [info]argyle_s and [info]regan_v for pelting me with story ideas. :)

This story is so big I have to post it in two parts. It's too big for an IJ post. 0_o

I solemnly swear I am over 18. )


Dangerous Games

Title: Dangerous Games
Author: [info]xochiquetzl
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Summary: Two spies have a conversation.
Kinks: Dirty Talk
Notes: For [info]_lore, who is a doll. Happy birthday! Thanks to [info]regan_v for the beta!

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"Four Scenes"

Fic: "Four Scenes" for hogwartshoney
Title: Four Scenes
To: hogwartshoney
From: xochiquetzl
Summary: Rubbish bins, trysts, battle, and recovery. Written for Snupin Santa 2006.
Kinks: Bondage
Genre: Drama, Established Relationship.
Rating: NC-17

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A Pain Called Dog

Title: A Pain Called Dog
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Remus/Stubby Boardman (Remus/Sirius)
Summary: Remus looks for a way to deal with his pain after James and Lily's funeral.
Kink(s): Spanking, bondage, voyeurism, exhibitionism, public sex.
Challenge: For the In Like A Lion ficathon
Notes: This story is for fluffyllama. I hope you like it! I blame you entirely for the pairing; your request gave me a plot bunny! Thanks to Mysteria for the Britpick.
Disclaimer: All those Harry Potter people belong to J. K. Rowling. Please don't turn me into a newt. What I've done to them here is mine and may not be bent, folded, spindled, mutilated, or archived without my permission.

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June 2012




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