Opus Two RPG [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Opus Two RPG

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[Aug. 25th, 2008|12:32 am]
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[Mood | hopeful]

*can't decide if she's excited or worried for Idril's return to Gondolin, particularly after her unpleasant encounter with Elenwë*

*on one hand, Idril was actually starting to like her before... everything*

*on the other hand... everything*

*ends up in the foyer around the time they're due to return* *really wishes Pete would stop looking at her like she needs to be tackled and restrained*
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[May. 25th, 2008|12:35 pm]
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*spends a few private minutes in her limo, looking over the strip of mini-photos she and Ingil got from a booth during her visit to Ossiriand* *has to smile (genuinely!) at the silly goofy-face/bunny-ears/sibling-choking ones* :)

*sighs and carefully puts the photos away, exiting the limo with her gameface firmly in place*

*is immediately informed that some touristy-type gawkers have just arrived on the set*

*finds herself in a rather good mood and decides to go get rid of them herself, instead of making one of the underlings do it*

*heads past the lighting and camera techs and the makeup/script/blocking crew (barely noticing that they are parting before her and her entourage like the proverbial Red Sea)*

*spots the intrepid threesome and smiles her most winning smile flavored with just a dash of blatant superiority, of course*

Hello! I'm sorry, we cannot allow anyone beyond this point--too much going on, you understand, and I do believe I would KILL cry if any of the plot points were leaked to the Internet...

*trails off as she gets a better look at one of the gawkers in particular* *tilts her head in that polite "I am not fucking seeing this" manner of hers*

*at approximately -48 C* Findaráto.
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[May. 23rd, 2008|11:36 am]

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[Mood | excited]

*is going to a real live television set!*

*has no idea what she'll see or what to expect* *packs healthy snacks for her and Finrod and finds her brand-new autograph book* *isn't familiar with any of the stars, either, not having watched much of any soap opera because her mother wouldn't let her, but thinks it might make them feel special to be asked for their autographs?*

*is briefly delayed by a phone call for her absent roommate* *carefully takes down the message word for word* Spike will bring one-half keelo (sp?) Saturday, 11, on the bridge.

*this done, heads out into town to meet Finrod at her building*
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[May. 13th, 2008|11:44 pm]
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[Mood | anxious]

*wakes up on the morning of his sister's wedding and is determined to be happy and supportive and happy and --*

*sighs and gets ready and goes to the venue (one of the courtyards in the Royal Compound) which is completely bedecked with white flowers*

*takes his seat on the bride's side and avowedly does not look at the empty seats on either side of him*

*realises he's ridiculously early when the band arrive to tune up*
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[Feb. 11th, 2008|02:37 pm]

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[Mood | bitchy]

*has, for reasons she cannot possibly understand, been committed to an evening out with her (mess of a) daughter and her husband's (whore of a) lover*

*makes a mental note to have a very long (but gentle) talk with Itarillë about committing people to social engagements without their prior permission* *specifically about how she shouldn't do it, ever, especially not with such low class company*

*is a dutiful mother, though, and consents* *has noticed Itaril missing Turukáno and will do anything in her power to keep the girl complacent*

*receives a call from the front desk precisely at 7 p.m. saying a guest has arrived*

*sighs, and goes down to greet her, gritting her teeth all the way* *will also be speaking with Itarillë about being ready when guests arrive so that her poor, put-upon mother doesn't have to spend time uncomfortably associating with heathens*
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[Jan. 31st, 2008|11:04 am]
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*did listen that voicemail* (*after waiting a 12 hour period so as to kill any impulse to immediately call back*)

*will of course look after Idril* (*it's not her fault her father is a wimp*)

*heads to Nerdanel's gallery to do just that* (*assumes Elenwë isn't the sort of mother who hangs out at work with her daughter*)
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