Opus Two RPG [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Opus Two RPG

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[Mar. 24th, 2011|06:18 pm]

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[Mood | okay]

*was understandably shaken up (ha ha!) by the recent earthquake in the area, even though she figures Eru had to get to it sooner or later, what with all the suck abounding in these parts*

*was even more shaken up when she checked her favorite gossip blog only to find snaps of her boyfriend or ex, whatever and Galadriel hanging all over each other* *and okay, the blog entry itself didn't do a whole lot to alleviate the gutting*

*really thought that things could only get worse trudging around southern Ossiriand with her dad and her uncle, trying to avoid conversation and lugging around a heavy-ass backpack, but it's been...sort of a nice distraction?*

*pushes her sunglasses up on her forehead (it's rapidly getting too dark to justify them) and whines (because she can)* Are we therrrrre yet?
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[Feb. 13th, 2011|10:30 pm]

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[Mood | drunk]

*after seeing that his cousin is safely settled in at the hotel, very calmly and composedly walks into some random dive-y pub in town* *the sort the peasants love, where the walls reek of old beer and at least one regular is guaranteed to be passed out on his barstool by two in the afternoon*

*proceeds to get magnificently hammered*

*this done, appropriates a bottle of whiskey for the road and weaves walks the five or so miles to his house* *can't bet on whether Aredhel will be at his house or hers, these days, but (a) their daughter's still at his, and (b) he's been nice to her lately, both of which tend to increase the odds in his favor*

*stumbles in through the front door and slams it shut, shrugging off his coat and dropping it on the floor* *kicks off his shoes with such force that one knocks over the umbrella stand*

Íriiiiiissë! *takes another swig from the bottle and grimaces* You've got to. Listen. And so proud of me when. ÍRISSË.
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[Jan. 22nd, 2011|12:44 am]
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*still hasn't been able to contact Káni* *has tried her mobile number multiple times, has emailed all of the addresses he has for her and has called all of the numbers he ever had for her*

*eventually, realises that he's going to have to do something he really doesn't want to do*

*would far rather go right on ahead and charter a flight to Delving, ban on Noldor be damned, but mans up and dials the number*
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[Jan. 3rd, 2011|02:11 pm]

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[Mood | lonely]

*goes back inside after seeing her grandfather off, carrying her Erumas present*

*was really quite glad for the bright spot in her day (she needed it)* *suspects she will now be returned to the regularly scheduled suckage*
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[Jan. 2nd, 2011|11:49 pm]
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[Mood | determined]

*Heads over Celegorm's with a parcel tucked under his arm.*

*Storms up the path towards the front door with a look on his face that says if anyone challenges him, that parcel may end up inserted somewhere unpleasant. It's not that he wants to use his grandaughter's Erumas present as an offensive weapon but he's in that bad a mood, and he can always buy another copy of The Ossiriand Companion to Ballet.*
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[Dec. 3rd, 2010|11:56 am]

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[Mood | crazy]

*it's late in the fourth quarter, tied at 21, third and seven at the Groundhogs' 40, and so he's expertly patched up, bundled up warm and doing what any decent grandfather of a star QB should be doing—blocking the view standing and waving his makeshift Bobcats paraphernalia from halfway up on the 50-yard line, screaming (along with everyone else) at the top of his lungs*

YOU CALL THAT AN OFFENSIVE LINE? PROTECT YOUR QB, YOU PORKY SONS OF BITCHES! *looks down at the woman sitting on the bleacher seat directly below him, who whirls around with a ferocious glare and covers her young son's ears* WHAT.
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[Nov. 8th, 2010|12:41 pm]

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[Mood | curious]

*one morning, not too long before she has to head out to dance class, clicks around on the University of Ossiriand's website until she finds the right department and faculty pages*

*quickly scans the content until she comes across exactly what she's looking for—a listing of open office hours* *makes a mental note of the requisite time and location for later on*

*after dance class the same day, makes her way to the building housing the linguistics department, where she soon finds herself standing outside her grandfather's door* *raises her hand and knocks before she can lose her nerve completely*
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[Nov. 3rd, 2010|06:54 pm]
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[Mood | determined]

*contrary to Mablung's well-intentioned advice, has not played any field (except the hundred-twenty yards of turf) since returning home from Menegroth*

*has gotten back into the swing of school all right, what with homework and peeps and the crazy life of the starting QB (Bankside's own Meeerkat!!), but even with everything in the world going for him, still finds it comes up short at the end of the day (when her stupid ringtone never rings, and he doesn't know what she's mad at her dad about today, and he hasn't had to sneak or lie or do anything remotely criminal in weeks)*

*after trying to catch her out at her/their usual hangouts and completely failing (is she totally avoiding me or do I just really suck at timing??), decides he's got to do something... yeah, borderline criminal (what would Lily do?)* *rides his bike out to her father's place and finds his way back through the woods and along the river, right up to the stone wall* *digs his binoculars out of his backpack and carefully peers up at one window in particular yes he feels like a TOTAL CREEPER*

*breathes deeply, takes out his phone and wings a text to a number that's been dead-silent for longer than he can stand to think about* i'm going to climb the trellis again. see you in five.
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[Oct. 10th, 2010|06:10 pm]

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[Mood | listless]

*has been at loose ends since returning home to Ossiriand, down one major part of her life and heart and soul and and and feeling pretty cut up about it* *has more or less thrown herself into dance as a result*

*wanders out back and settles down on the porch swing late one afternoon (it's nippy out but damned if she's going to let summer go without a fight), pulling her feet up under her and flipping through some luxury property listings*
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[Aug. 2nd, 2010|11:12 pm]
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*is actually rather surprised at how much she misses her daughter and almost regrets letting her go to Ossiriand all alone until she hits upon the perfect solution*

*travels to Ossiriand with the express intention of surprising her daughter and accompanying her back to Gondolin, perhaps via Fingon in Hithlum*

*is in a rather brilliant mood when she arrives at her daughter's father's house and is even a bit amused at the servants' surprise at seeing her* *has no wish to see the master of the house (and is certain he is otherwise occupied with his tabloid edition of romance)*

*texts Lily (surprise! am in ossiriand at your father's house. dinner and a late flight tonight okay? mom xxx) and makes herself comfortable in the library, while she waits*
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[Mar. 27th, 2010|08:32 am]

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[Mood | stressed]

*has been walking on air for the past couple weeks, not to mention going out with Domíran as often as possible* *hasn't had to explain her whole situation yet, which is a bit of a relief (Mír was way too close to missing his curfew to take her home)*

*curls up in the living room on a Saturday morning to do some reading* *rather loathes anything that feels so much like schoolwork but she's got to satisfy her curiosity*

*closes the book a half-hour later and, visibly shaken, book in hand, goes to look for the one person in this house she would trust with her life*
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[Jan. 25th, 2010|07:15 pm]
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*has a date for his school's winter dance, and she's basically the coolest, most gorgeous girl ever* *is vaguely aware that most a few of the girls at his school are heartbroken a little disappointed that he's taken—which, okay, is kinda nice, he supposes?*

*as the day of the dance approaches and the initial excitement (she said yes!) wears off, begins to experience a brand of panic he's not entirely sure how to handle, panic to the tune of what the hell do I do now? and what if I step on her feet? and kiss or no kiss?* *does ask his dad whether it's hard to dance, at which point he's subjected to an embarrassing but overall hilarious attempt at a lesson god his parents are such dorks sometimes*

*finally remembers a few important details, such as the fact that he has no idea where or when he's acquiring his date* *brings up her number in his phone at least four times in the space of an afternoon, practicing his opening line very quietly to himself* Hi. Hiya. Hey. This is Mír? It's Domíran. Hi, Lily, it's me, Mír. Hey, how're you? HI. *oh god why can't he sound even a little bit cool??*

*eventually just presses Send before he can rethink it, resigning himself to the fact that he's going to sound stupid, so he might as well try to be cute-stupid*
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[Jan. 25th, 2010|06:39 pm]
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*has settled into a routine of sorts in Ossiriand, which primarily consists of spending as much time with her daughter as possible, and as little time with her daughter's father as possible*

*generally tries to avoid going near Celegorm's house but allows that it is occasionally unavoidable, when Lily's lessons run late, &c*

*ensuring that she is impeccably turned out, in a top, a pair of jeans and a perfectly tailored coat, makes her way to Celegorm's house, feeling edgy as soon as she passes through the gateway*
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[Jan. 4th, 2010|10:10 am]

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[Mood | pensive]

*got a message from her sister letting her know she's back in town for a little while* *understands that Lily at least went out to breakfast or something with her mother, so that's progress, anyway*

*is hard at work in the lab (where else, these days?) when she finally gets The Call*

*or The Text, anyway (maybe he's afraid she wouldn't answer the phone? he should be), a short and sweet I miss you...where are you?*

*wraps up her work for the day and rides out to Celegorm's house, where she points out her name on the list to the new guy at the gate and lets herself inside*
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[Dec. 25th, 2009|04:54 pm]

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[Mood | guilty]

*does nothing to disturb the stony silence of the next few days, even spending a quiet Erumas alone in his study, his brother and daughter having gone to his mother's house for the day and dinner (and the requisite fussing-over, no doubt)*

*expected things to be rather peaceful, but the reality—a day without Aredhel or Arakáno or anyone he cares about—turned out to be very lonely indeed* *so lonely that by the time evening falls, he finds himself unable to sit still in any particular room, staring at book pages without seeing them and lifting his head to listen harder every time he thinks he hears a car starting up the drive*
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[Dec. 21st, 2009|12:24 pm]

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[Mood | restless]

*is actually kind of enjoying having a houseguest for a change, though the girl is obviously a bit clueless about the more important things in life (i.e. clothes, shoes, makeup, and men)* *it's okay, though! because she's the perfect person to offer instruction on such topics (and that's been kind of fun, too)*

*doesn't quite understand, however, just how she ended up in the home of the most annoying person alive, sitting cross-legged on Lily's bed in her old room and glancing nervously toward the door from time to time*

Can you hurry it up a little? Your dad will skin me alive if he catches me in his house. Unless Curufin's with him, in which case he'll probably kill me first, to be nice.
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[Nov. 2nd, 2009|07:03 pm]

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[Mood | bored]

*for all her claims of acute independence, has been wishing there was someone she could tell about encounters with cute boys and maybe get some answers to a few burning questions* *isn't close enough to any of her girlfriends to gush with them, and she isn't sure whether her mother would be pleased or horrified (and she's not sure which reaction would be worse)*

*some things never change, however, which means another evening and another "family" dinner at her father's house (don't think for a second it belongs to her, too, or even her mother), which generally involves her parents talking to one another with occasional attempts to bring her into the conversation (which her father ignores) or similar attempts to bring her uncle into the conversation (which her mother ignores)*

*waits until her father isn't paying her any attention (it doesn't take long) and poises a pea atop her fork* *slingshots it across the table at Curufin and bites her lip hard to keep the giggles at bay*
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[Jun. 22nd, 2009|12:29 pm]

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[Mood | pissed off]

*is on his way into the stables to say hello to his horses when he hears a great deal of commotion coming from the practice ring around back*

*walks around the building and comes into view of the ring in time to see his daughter sitting backward astride a jittery-looking Buttercup*

*sternly* Liltëas! Get down from there right now.
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[May. 8th, 2009|09:21 am]

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[Mood | peaceful]

*has been feeling a bit guilty that she hasn't had much time or any time, really to check up on her erudaughter lately*

*sneaks out of the lab early one afternoon and takes a taxi out to Celegorm's*
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[Feb. 25th, 2009|10:19 am]

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[Mood | anxious]

*thinks it's high time she checks up on her erudaughter and so makes a strategic plan with Celegorm's household staff to drop by when she knows her cousin will be otherwise engaged in town*

*is a little surprised to be shown in by an unfamiliar woman (i.e. not Nina) but doesn't think much of it until she is informed that Celegorm is waiting to see her in his study*

*briefly entertains the idea of walking right back out of the house but decides she's being a little foolish (and she's going to have to deal eventually) and so heads straight there*

*how bad could it be?*
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