Sep. 6th, 2013


Hey everyone,

As you can see, the Wild West plot has officially begun.

We're running this like the Retro Week a few months ago- so you are free to continue doing regular, normal game stuff, but we are strongly encouraging you to post Wild West stuff this week.

Please use the tag [event] wild west to show that you're posting in the Wild West plot and to keep all the plot posts together.

If you have any questions, let us know. Otherwise...

Yee-haw and enjoy, cowboys and girls!

Sep. 1st, 2013


Hi all!

Another Activity Check has passed, and the following characters are now available:

Elijah Bradley
Joseph Wilson

Is anyone else missing all our friends at D*Con? :(

I would also like to announce that our Wild West Week of Wonder will whirlingly warp our world the week of September 6th! Mark your calendars!