Feb. 26th, 2017


Hey everyone,

Just remembered it's a short month, so the next AC comes up on March 1st, which is Wednesday! Make sure you've posted or tagged!

To my surprise, I looked at the calendar and realized that NA is five years old next week (and this week, unofficially). *blows noisemaker and puts on a party hat*. This means that the next AC is a free AC in celebration, but it is also once again time for RETRO WEEK(S)!

Last year Retro Week morphed into "Time Week", and I'd like to do that again. Should you wish to participate, you can do scenes in the classic style of Retro Week - an event that occurred in their past. You can also do something from their future! Scenes from the future do not have to remain canon, just have fun. You can also do some fun time travel stuff in the spirit of the comic books, because why the hell not? Let's all go kill Hitler and feel better about ourselves, then come back and deal with the ramifications of that.

Talk amongst yourselves - you have two weeks to play.

Happy Birthday, NA.

Especially to those of you who have been here since the beginning - Thanks.


Your Modly One

Mar. 16th, 2016


Good day, NA!

Another activity check has passed. All is well!

This AC we continue another two weeks of Retro and Future shenanigans!

(It's also Dick Grayson and Connor Hawke's birthdays this ac. Don't worry--they're too old to care about their bdays anymore. Promise. Carry on!)

Thank you for tagging and as always, have fun!

Mar. 1st, 2014


That time is upon us once again, friendos. It is time for another activity check. The following characters are now available:

-Clint Barton
-Jessica Jones
-Wade Wilson

We hope you enjoyed the Secret Invasion plot! If you haven't done so already, please take our plot survey to help us improve our techniques for future plots. We know you haven't all done this yet. Seriously. We know.

On to more fun things!