Aug. 31st, 2010


Who: Hades
What: The Vigilante Strikes again
Where: A Home in the “Shadowlands” Miami
When: August 30, around 4:30 AM
Warning: news articles follow. My clutter-hate puts them here.

It was not crazy when the state of the world makes one want to kill everyone responsible. It would be crazy if it didn’t. )

Summary: Hades went out again in the late evening, clearly in a bout of insomnia, and found some gangsters worthy of killing in his stomping grounds. He considers some things.

News Articles )

Jul. 8th, 2010


Who: The Miami Herald
What: Two Articles that lead into the scene after this
When: Today
Warnings: They're being posted like this because I wanted to make the comm not to be overly cluttered. I think I have a compulsion or something.

Title- Child Rescued From Gangland Kidnapping By Miami Resident )


Title- Gunfire heard, Body Sought For )

Apr. 18th, 2010


Buried in a News Blog

Depression, Divorce Rise
April 11, 2010

Lawyers, judges and other court officials have found themselves with a surprising increase of work lately. The work increase has not been with crimes, however, but with divorces.

"Over a month ago, I started getting a lot of calls about divorces. People had a lot of questions, but they also seemed to want things to be done immediately," reported one divorce and family lawyer, Tyler Michaels. "They didn't realize how long of a process this can be."

The number of filings for divorce jumped right at the end of February, starting in Florida. Since that time, nation and world wide, the numbers have continued to rise at surprising rates. Annulments also have been on the rise, and while there are no official numbers, rumors imply a number of cancelled weddings as well.

"There's always couples who think they rushed into something, or just find out that they can't make it work. Normally, a lot of couples separate or get counseling, and try to find ways to make it work, but lately, the couples are asking for immediate divorce, and the reasons vary rather greatly," Michaels continues to explain.

Some officials, concerned about the meaning of the sudden increase, have also found an increased number of reports of sever depression in one or both members of a couple. Hospitals report an increase of suicide attempts being brought in, a high percentage of which are married or engaged.

While no one is claiming to know the reasoning behind the shift in numbers, theories are being put forth. As data continues to come in, more and more are taking notice, and hoping for a resolution soon.

((Fake, of course, and probably not well written. Anyone who wants to take a crack at doing better, more than welcome.))

Mar. 27th, 2010


In a number of news papers on 3/26/2010 in various places depending on location

Domestic Terrorist Cell Apprehended; Biological Weapons Were A Possibility
Associated Press Writer

PHILADELPHIA, PA. (AP) – One month ago on Tuesday February 23, residents reported the sight of military helicopters flying over the city and landing in an isolated field outside of the suburbs. Homeland Security now reports that these helicopters were part of a successful operation to infiltrate and seize an underground bunker used by, what is being reported as, “a domestic terrorist cell.”

“A special taskforce descended upon and infiltrated the hidden bunker, completely seizing it by 2 PM.” Janet Napolitan of Homeland Security reported in a dispatch to the Association Press. While much of the findings currently continue to be classified for the sake of national security, Napolitan’s report also stated that a cache of weapons were found in the bunker along with equipment to produce biological weapons. If that was not disturbing enough, cells and devices that may have been used to imprison and torture kidnapped American citizens were also reported as being discovered.

Raphael Garcia of the FBI in a press conference yesterday evening after the dispatch was made public promised, “When Homeland Security releases any and all names of kidnapped Americans, we will contact the families of their loved ones about their conditions. Currently, we believe that this cell is homegrown with its membership coming from the American citizenry itself and do not know what their motivations are. However, because of their status as citizens and the crime of forcefully transporting people across state lines, we will be working in conjunction with Homeland Security to investigate if there are any more conspirators to this cell and bring them to justice.”

While no biological weapons were reported as being found and no definite evidence of any kidnappings have been released to the public, some residents of Philadelphia and the surrounding suburbs are shaken by the discovery of such a terrorist cell in their own backyards.

Ray Steinfew (53), local resident, had this comment, “This seems to keep happening. More and more Americans seem to be up and betraying their own country for these Islamic agendas and to destroy our way of life. It used to be we could guess by looking at a person, now we don’t know where the attack will come from. They’re even under our own feet. We’re a nation under siege.”

Edna Cousin (34) had similar fears, stating, “First they kill us with our own planes, now they kill us with our own people.”

The fears of Mr. Steinfew, Ms. Cousin and other residents are warranted but local authorities want to emphasize that at this time there is no evidence supporting a connection with Al Qaida. However, it is uncertain whether this domestic terrorist cell not being connected with Al Qaida makes these crimes less daunting.

In attempt to calm such concerns, Homeland Security announced early this morning in a second dispatch that the task force credited with bringing down this cell will be given greater authority in order to locate and apprehend conspirators, if any. The identities of the members in the taskforce and which branch of the government/military are being classified for the sake of national security and to not jeopardize the operation.


(OOC: This article is fictional and part of an on-line roleplaying game. While some names may be similar to those real people in similar roles they are used solely for the sake of creating a realistic game world and not to imply such events are happening or that the real people have said or believe such things.)

Feb. 22nd, 2010


Main Page, Miami Herald, Tuesday morning

Local Business Owner Missing
Authorities suspect organized attack

Miami son and owner of the Jube Hotel chain has been registered as a missing persons as of Monday evening after a mysterious attack in his business's parking lot late Saturday evening. Three dead males were found, as well as one security guard; the guard has been identified as Gregory Lyon, an employee of Jube's. The other three remain unidentified.

"The three others were wearing armor that are comparable only to those worn by members of S.W.A.T. teams," stated one officer at the scene. "How they managed to get a hold of such weaponry is unknown at this time, but it is being assumed that they did not do this alone."

At this time, Jube's location is unknown, and no contact has been made with him for 48 hours. The security guard's condition is stable, and he is being held at Jackson Memorial Hospital until he is able to be questioned.

The police force of Miami-Dade country stresses that if any missing person is sighted, to call the authorities as soon as possible.

Oct. 2nd, 2009


(somewhere in Today's Miami Herald)

Meteor Causing Religious Confusion
Churches and Mosques Mysteriously Call Faithful to Prayer in the Middle of the Night Along Atlantic

A strange phenomenon is beginning to reveal itself as reports show that on September 29th, a great number of Christian church bells rang at the same time on the Eastern Coast of the Americas and the Western coasts of Europe and Africa at 12:43 AM Greenwich Mean Time. At first local authorities believed many of the churches acted independently or perhaps it was an organized calling to the faithful. However, the incredibly odd timing, the vast area affected and the fact it included various Christian denominations often hostile to each other makes many people now doubt that. In addition, many of the pastors and leaders of these churches have reported no such cooperation or actions.

Adding another strange twist to the ringing of the bells, it is now being reported that likewise a multitude of mosques on those same coasts all played their call to prayer, Adhan, at 12:49 AM GMT, not a normal hour for prayer. Many Imans have reported that it was not a purposeful act because "such holiness would not be used so randomly and meaninglessly."

An Anglican bishop who wished to remain anonymous said, "I believe this event was a direct act of the Lord, reminding His people of His words 'The Lord will come like a thief in the night.' What is more like a thief in the night than this?" He had no comment or explanation for the mosques' adhan playing just six minutes later in a similar fashion.

Dr. Alexander Lutrova, oceanographer, believes that there is a scientific explanation for it. "Just before this so called religious event, a meteor was observed in the sky and it appeared to have crashed into the Atlantic. Between the electromagnetic interference of the meteor burning through the atmosphere and the tidal wave/earthquake caused by its crash into the ocean its more likely that these bells and stereos, mostly powered by electric currents and controlled by computers in this modern age, simply switched on as a result. That is much more likely than some divine miracle."

Many people on the Internet have already criticized this theory as it does not explain why other computerized systems were not effected, the time delay between the two events and why some churches with non-computerized bell systems found them ringing. In fact some people take the fact that there was a bright light in the sky before it happened, meteor or not, as further proof of the divine. Without a doubt, both scientist and theologian will be following further reports on this phenomenon and it is unlikely that either side will agree with the other's answer.
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May. 18th, 2009


Officer lost in devastating fire.

Posted on Mon, May 18th, 2009

Written by Gerald Hocker
For the Miami Herald

Today our fair city mourns another one of its fallen officers; Officer Theodore 'Teddy' Pullman of the Miami Police Department was lost in an explosive fire while on the job. While seeking trapped victims of the building fire, the building was collapsed by what police believe to be a handmade bomb, set off to protect the drug ringleaders using the building from gathering further evidence. Two officers escaped the blaze as well as four suspects who were immediately arrested, but one body was found in the basement but has been confirmed not to be the body of Pullman.

Pullman was known for being a tough man of the law, unwilling to bend the rules and always prepared to do his duty, while still remaining kind and respectful of the citizens he served. He excelled in his post, returning to it after three years spend in Iraq and Afghanistan in the military. Pullman also put in multiple hours as an exuberant volunteer firefighter. He was dubbed 'Teddy' due to his large, almost bear-like size but his 'soft and fuzzy' core.

"He will be missed by all of us, as an officer, a friend, and a brother," Major Adam Williams had to say. "He always had a good thing to say, refusing to become jaded or cold. He made a guy happy to walk into the office. His shoes will not be a pair easily filled."

Already in his department, flowers and gifts are left behind by his fellow officers and friends, as well as those known to him by his cases.

"I remember when I wrecked my car and blacked out, he was the first face I saw," said Aubrey Dunham, 28, tearfully as she left behind a small toy bear in honor of his nickname. "He pulled me out, and told me it was gonna be okay. And I just... believed him. I'd never felt so safe."

The police are still investigating his death, though they note no body has yet been found. "Nobody could survive that blast," Major Williams claims. "I felt the heat from two blocks away and it cracked my windshield. He was a great man. But he is only mortal."

Dec. 3rd, 2008


Buried somewhere in the Miami Herald.

Suspected in Abuse

At least fifty local pagans were arrested after evidence was presented to local FBI agents, accusing the group of abuse towards animals and their own members. The pagan group focuses worship on a deity known as the Great Horned God, not to be confused with the Christian Satan, and claim to be a pro-enviromental group.

However, evidence released to officials in the form of videos and photographs of local gatherings points to harmful hazing of members as well as sacrificial blood-letting of both humans and animals. Furthermore, a young woman who went missing earlier in the year is believed to have been found among the group, though officials are currently keeping her identity private. Witnesses report that a raid was made on a house serving as their meeting place.

"There were alot of knives coming out of that place," said neighbor Annie Stephenson, 36. "I always thought they were a little creepy, but otherwise they were very nice. But then, I never saw what they were doing. They always kept to themselves."

Pagan groups have already come forth, calling the claims outrageous, but at this time the police are still keeping all members in custody. More on this story on page 56E.

Aug. 4th, 2008


(seen on under Breaking News)

Explosion Tears Through Home of Miami Tech Wizard
Posted on Mon, Aug. 04, 2008

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An explosion rudely awakened late-risers in the Miami-Dade area this morning.  At approximately 10:45 this morning, an explosion rocked the home of reclusive genius Vadimas Lugosi.  While Lugosi's home suffered moderate damage, no injuries have been reported and no other property has been reported damaged.

Witnesses report that a fireball erupted from the southern wall of Lugosi's home.  The flames reportedly shot higher than ten stories, though no fire was evident when authorities arrived on the scene.  While the Police and Fire departments have yet to issue official statements, sources within both offices report that it appears the explosion was caused by volatile substances Lugosi kept on site.  Lugosi is fully licenced to handle and store these substances, but a full investigation is pending.

The Miami Herald has received a report Lugosi's representatives.  It reads as follows:
"At 10:42 AM, a tank of acetylene stored on the property of Mr. Lugosi ruptured, initiating an explosion that caused significant damage to his home and laboratory.  Though no casualties have been reported, Mr. Lugosi has promised to work closely with the authorities to make sure this does not happen again.  A phone number will be set up to report any damages or injuries resulting from this incident.  Mr. Lugosi thanks you for your patience and offers his humblest apologies."

The Miami Herald will have more on the situation as it develops.

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(somewhere in Today's Miami Herald)

Prayers of Miami dreamers answered
Possible investments to deserving and promising ventures

Struggling inventors and small business owners of the Miami area and even neighboring cities and states of the Southern seaboard are abuzz with the announcement published in numerous magazines and industry publications over the weekend. Dante Lot, CEO of Call Up Consultations, Inc, Intl, announced that every Thursday from 10 AM to 4 PM of this month he is willing to hear any person or persons in need for investors to get their projects off the ground. The amount of money that he has earmarked for this surprising venture has been kept secret but rumors have the amount hovering around $10,000,000 to be distributed in total.

Some industry insiders and business associates have wondered why Lot would do such a thing and questioned if this was all real or just a publicist stunt. Close associate Mark Burnett, producer of shows like Survivor, when reached was quick to comment, “If this is a publicist stunt then I have to thank him. But I think this is all because he loves ‘Dragon’s Den’ and always wanted to be on the BBC series. Lot will take chances with his money when the fancy strikes him and when he knows he can absorb the loss. I’m a little surprised by the amount he is being rumored to have ready for this, but no matter the amount it is a great opportunity for anyone who seeks him out.”

(OOC: This is a work of fiction for a fictional game. Mark Burnett had nothing to do with this message in reality.)

Jul. 5th, 2008


(somewhere near the front of Today's Miami Herald)

More than just fireworks
Student killed at local firework display

At 9:45 PM yesterday, at Bayfront Park, the fireworks display was marred by tragedy as two LaSalle high school juniors were attacked by a mysterious animal. The attack and screams were muffled by the explosions of the firework displays. One of the students was declared dead on arrival at Mercy Hospital, while the other was declared in stable condition.

Because both students are minors their names are being held but the student in stable condition reported that the animal resembled an alien from a science fiction movie. This description is being contradicted by the other witness to the attack. Sandra McKenny, an EMT, reported that the creature was a cougar, which ran off after the brutal assault. McKenny tried to perform first aid on the victim, but the injuries were too severe.

Animal control is looking for the animal and is asking that the public to use caution in the area until a thorough search is complete.

Both students' Blood Alcohol Levels were above .08.

Jun. 23rd, 2008


(somewhere near the front of Monday's Miami Herald)

First Fire of the Summer
Raging fire in Industrial District

On Saturday around 6:30 PM a fire burnt through an abandoned section of the Industrial area of Miami. Three warehouse and two former factories were razed to the ground from the waging fire before firefighters could bring it under control. The fire marshal reported that he believed it was caused by a faulty generator that had not been disassembled or moved from one of the premises. This would collaborate the report of the sounds of an explosion.

Authorities are looking into this matter, but do not believe there is any foul play involve at this time.

No injuries have been reported and no bodies were found on the scene.

Feb. 16th, 2008


Somewhere in one of Miami's newspapers

UoM Student Faces Charges

University of Miami freshman, Jonathan Douglas, was arrested in connection to an assault on a female student today at 5:00 PM.

The arrest occurred after Douglas, 19, attacked another student and has since claimed he was ordered by his fraternity to strike against her .

The victim, who has chosen to remain unidentified, told police that Douglas pushed her down, sitting on her chest. Douglas then allegedly attempted to strangle the young woman before her boyfriend walked in and pulled the man off.

The victim, 26, was injured but not hospitalized, Pullman said, with wounds to her neck and a slight concussion.

Douglas has been charged with simple assault and recklessly endangering another person. He is currently awaiting trial, as his family has refused to pay bail. He is currently enrolled in classes for the summer semester, said a spokesman for the college, but failed to answer whether or not Douglas will be expelled due to his actions.

Pullman also let it be known that there will be an exploration into the fraternity's past records of similar assaults. Though all charges were dropped, new witnesses and victims are now stepping forward with similar tales.

More on these recent charges on page 33...

Feb. 5th, 2008


In Saturday's Paper )