Sep. 2nd, 2008


Hey peeps. My hiatus is over! Whoot. I really want to do some plotting with my ladies, so please... if you have any ideas or want to thread, let me know. I am totally down. I know Artemis needs to check up on Mel and Calli really wants to see Apollo (she just grumbled).

Jeia, over and out.

Aug. 15th, 2008



I just wanted to let everyone know that I will be on hiatus from now until August 30th. My pups, Calliope and Artemis, will be with me. I wish you all a happy August.


Jul. 31st, 2008


Who: Thalia and Calliope
What: House shopping
Where: Miami
When: August 1st
Warnings: None

and hoped her sister would drive so they would not get lost )

Summary: Thalia and Calliope really do need a bigger place. Thalia's studio is fun and homey but it is really much too small for two muses.

May. 18th, 2008



Who: Temperance and Valentine
What: Sisterly bonding
Where: Valentine's place
When: Today aka the day this was originally posted ;)
Warnings: None so far!

Soon -- much too soon -- they were at the gallery. )

May. 17th, 2008


Who: Temperance, Piper, & Damien
What: Investigayshuns.
When: Some night this week that Damien plays at Vice.
Where: Vice
Warnings: None yet.

Intro )


Who: Euterpe & Calliope
What: Lunch & news-ish stuff
Where: Random cafe
When: Backdated to just before the family battle-planning/interrogation scene
Warnings: Some minor emo, but not much. Also, when I forwarded the scene to myself to edit - apparently some small chunks were lost.

I really do hope you are going nuts )

Summary: Euterpe decides to give Calliope a call and share her sneaking suspicions about a certain newbie musician in town.

May. 6th, 2008


Who: Temperance and Joanna
What: Moving in!
Where: Thalia's home
When: Today

here comes the sister! )

Apr. 30th, 2008


Who: Temperance and Valentine
What: Sisterly bonding
Where: Valentine's place
When: Today
Warnings: None so fat!

FUN! )

Apr. 23rd, 2008


Who: Shiri and Calliope
What: Reuniting and discussing their lives
When: March 16 (BACKDATED)
Where: The beach, Miami
Warning: None

sisterhood )

Summary: Calli and Poly are reunited and spend a fun-filled day together.

Apr. 13th, 2008


Who: Muses and all they have invited.
What: Muse picnic
Where: A cute little park near Thalia's studio
When: Sunday, 1pm
Warning: None

Thalia had packed enough food to feed a small army )

Summary: A picnic with a lot of sisterly fun.