Sep. 29th, 2010


Monday June 29th 2015

Who: Fisher and Will
What: Caught in an unexpected moment
Where: Fisher's room
When: Mid-morning
Rating: PG 13 probably

It was a rare morning where the ghosts weren't making Fisher crazy. Actually, the one guy in his bedroom was kind of entertaining. Fisher had been "cleaning" his room (meaning pushing his few personal items under the bed) when some random dead dude had wandered in and started babbling on about music and being dead and whatever it was ghosts babbled on about, and he was being ignored until a certain phrase caught Fisher's ear- My Chemical Romance. "Hey, you've got decent taste," Fisher credited him, crawling out from beneath the bed with the wiley well-concealed bag of vicotin. He popped three into his mouth, then tucked the bag back up beneath his mattress before his current guard dog returned from the bathroom.

Best band EVER! )
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Sep. 22nd, 2010


Saturday June 27

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Wednesday June 24th

Who: Finn and Fisher
What: Creepy weird sex
When: Wednesday afternoon
Where: Finn's Room

Finn gave Fisher a lingering look before he got up and left without a single word. Didn't want to get the orderlies riled up by tipping them off to anything that he and Fisher might be up to. Now whether they would actually go after him or not, he wasn't certian, but he didn't want to chance it. So he went to his room and got out his pills that he'd mixed together. He wasn't really into drugs, but he figured that as soon as he got what he wanted, the other could enjoy some of his goodies. Whether they were what he wanted or not was another question. They were supposed to be downers, to keep him calm instead of his usual tense self. His room was white, nearly blinding white. Too much cleaning. There was a place for everything and everthing had a place. Now if it would stay that way. . . That was yet to be decided.

How disturbingly cute. )
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Aug. 31st, 2010


Wednesday June 18th 2015

Who: James and Fisher
What: More rule breaking
When: Late night, around 11pm
Where: Their rooms
Rating: TBD

Ninety percent of Fisher's plan had been pure luck. He had been trying to think of some brilliant plan to get into James' room without someone following him. He couldn't convince the staff that he didn't need someone tailing him because he was no longer suicidal, and he couldn't outrun whoaver he was with. It was looking pretty hopeless. James' plan had been brilliant, there was no way he could top that. Except, of course, with dumb luck. While sitting in the rec room next to his assigned nurse, Fisher had found the hairpin. He'd always wondered how those little hats stayed on the nurses' heads. He had managed to palm it without anyone noticing, slipping it into the waistband of his scrub pants.

More blatant luck came later, when one of the night staff called in sick. That meant there wasn't a spare body to hang around Fisher's room all night, which meant sedation. He swallowed the pills easily and willingly, forcing them back up once the nurse had walked off and was sauntering down the hall. Now all he needed to do was wait. Bed checks came every ten minutes right after lights out, until around eleven. Then it was assumed all patients were down for the night and they didn't check in again until sunrise. So when his door opened for the last time, Fisher curled up and seemingly dead to the world, he knew that it was time to move. Creeping out of bed, he put an ear to the door, listnening for the footsteps of the nurse to fade. Then he went to work on the lock, snapping the hairpin in half and prodding at the tumblers until the door opened with a loud, satisfying (but dangerous) click. Staying low, Fisher peered out into the hallway, checking for anyone passing by. More luck- coast was clear, and two nurses could be heard talking loudly at the nurses' station far off down the hall. Staying low, he crept silently to James' door, checking down both directions of the hall once more before setting to work on the lock.
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Aug. 25th, 2010


Monday-June 15, 2015

Who: Mara and OPEN
What: Mara getting a little work done early.
Where: Her office/hallway
When: Monday early morning
Rating: TBD

Mara opened the door to her office and flicked on the lights, it was early Monday morning and she really didn't need to be here so early but she wanted to work on her book that she was writing about Midian and her office was quieter than the living quarters at the moment. She set her laptop on the desk and hung her work clothes on the back of the door. She had four hours before her first appointment so she didn't see the point in being dressed for work right now.

The young doctor sat in her chair, coffee in hand as she turned on her computer waiting patiently for the machine to go through it's own morning ritual. She sighed as she glanced out the window, seeing the water in the distance. Midian had inspired her, it's odd that a place like this would but it had and she loved the island for it. Mara spilt  coffee on her jeans and swore under her breath as she made her way out into the hall to go to the bathroom to clean herself up.
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Aug. 16th, 2010


Friday - June 12th, 2015

Who: James and Fisher
When: Friday Night
Where: Ward A - The Lighthouse
What: James is one crafty motherfucker.
Rated: NSFW

Thursday had been good to James, aside from the fact that his sister was here now too. Playing nice had afforded him a few amenities and a meeting with Nic that evening had afforded him a few more. And now he had all that was necessary to keep up his end of the bargain he had made with Fisher, he just had to wait for other things to fall into place. And they would. Today was Friday, and that meant that it was time for the weekend staff to come on duty who were far more easy to manipulate than the weekday crew was. Once he'd seen who had been assigned to not only the ward itself, but to Fisher for his "suicide watch", he knew this was going to be a cake walk.

He waited until it was half an hour until time for lock down to put his plan into action. Part one, he flirted with the nurse at the nurse's station. She was young and pretty and she liked the attention. He'd done this a million times. And while she wasn't looking, he slipped into her drink a few of the crushed sleeping pills that he had managed to keep. You see, every night that he wasn't in solitary confinement, they gave them to him, but he never took them. He had perfected a way of hiding them far back in his mouth so they never knew and he kept them tucked safely away in his mattress for events such as this one.

James McCafferty was nothing if not crafty. )
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Aug. 14th, 2010


Tuesday - June 9th, 2015

Who: James and Fisher
When: Tuesday Afternoon
Where: The Rec Room
What: James is trying to relax after a night spent on the floor.

The best thing about solitary confinement was that James actually got some sleep. There was no one yelling or screaming or banging into walls next to him. It was quiet, it was peaceful, and that part was great. The worst part, however, was the fact that they didn't even give you a bed. If you were lucky, which he hadn't been last night, you got a mattress on the floor. If you were unlucky, you just got the floor. And that had been the case for James last night after he'd pissed off the orderly enough to get moved to an entirely different ward for his confinement.

Because of the sleeping situation, coupled with the fact that he'd been thrown around like a rag doll during the fight in the cafeteria yesterday, his back was hurting today. And that was why, instead of being sociable (which he rarely was regardless) or spending his rec room time doing something that could be considered entertaining by some people, he was simply laying stretched out on one of the sofas with his arms folded behind his head, trying to relax his back as much as possible and ignore that nagging cut on his bottom lip that his tongue just couldn't seem to stay away from.
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