Sep. 14th, 2010


Tuesday-June 23, 2015

Who: Dalyn and Will
When: Tuesday Evening
Where: Will's room
What: Decorating
Rated: TBD

Dalyn had been scrounging all over the hospital in all it's storage rooms for a few pieces of furniture for Will's room. Once Riley said he could decorate it, Dalyn went to town, he bought paint and had it brought over on the boat, he grabbed a box of things he thought might be cool...but the main thing was the dressing table he had found buried under tons of discarded trash in the basement storage room. The blonde had spent all weekend cleaning it as best he could, along with painting Will's room; shockingly the piece hadn't been damaged that badly and the mirror was still in one piece. Technically Will wasn't supposed to have a mirror in his room but Riley told him that he would have to check everyday that no damage had come to the mirror or frame in case Will tried to break it to use it on himself.

The blond dragged it down the hall to Will's room, box of goodies on top. He knocked on the unlatched door and pulled the table in giving Will a huge grin. "Hey, I found this in the basement and I cleaned it up for you, made sure nothing was living in it. It will be perfect for storing your make up and getting ready in the morning," Dalyn bit his lip as he thought of the bottom drawer already full of new make up for Will, something else he had brought over on the boat.
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Aug. 25th, 2010


Sunday-June 14 2015

Who: Dalyn and James
What: Randomness
Where: Main hallway
When: Sunday early morning
Rating: TBD

Dalyn was finishing up his shift, filling in the required forms at the nurse's station so he wouldn't get in shit like before when he forgot a few. He rolled his shoulders and stretched his arms over his head for a moment. Last night had been pretty quiet, he had to sedate a couple of patients but all in all not much had happened. Which he was actually pretty happy about, after his run in with Julien, Dalyn was a little leery of some of the patients.

The blonde got out from behind the desk, said good bye to the other nurse he had worked with last night and started to make his way down the hallway, past the boy's ward, amazed at how quiet it was...of course it was very early in the morning most of them should be asleep right now. Dalyn reached into his pocket and checked his phone, his ex boyfriend had texted him last night. He rolled his eyes and shoved it back into his pocket, he so didn't need that crap right now. What he planned on doing was changing into his jeans and going outside for awhile before he crashed.
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Aug. 16th, 2010


Monday - June 8th, 2015

WHO: Dalyn and Julien
WHEN: Monday evening
WHERE: Walking the main hall.
WHAT: Dalyn getting off shift.

Dalyn was cleaning up the mess in the nurse's station before he went off shift and he could hardly wait. It was the end of his very first shift and he was wiped the fuck out. He sighed as he threw out the last of the coffee and wrappers that were cluttering up the area. He straightened out the files and put things back where they came from. Dalyn blew his bangs out of his eyes and grabbed his bag and slung it across his shoulders for his walk back to his room.

The blonde was going to decorate his room tonight after he ate, but first he was going to change into normal clothes and grab some food. Dalyn was glancing at the patients as he walked past them, still not sure what he thought of being a psych nurse even though he had no real training for it. He made his way to his room quickly and changed into tight low jeans and a fitted tshirt and a hoodie rather quickly and then it was back out into the hall again to go grab some dinner.

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Aug. 15th, 2010


Friday - June 12

Who: William and Dalyn
Where: The community room.
When: Late afternoon
What: who knows?
Rating: TBD

The community room... the place where all the freaks gathered to be freakish together. If William had seen One Flew Over The Cuckoo's nest he would believe he was living in the real life version right now. He was currently sat at a table glaring at the pieces on a chessboard. Plastic, everything was plastic. The pieces could blow over if you merely sighed. He was playing by himself, judging all the scenarios. He'd learnt to play with his father, years ago, but also learnt to deliberately lose. Whenever he'd won he'd been put in the vice but that had never stopped him from winning every so often...

A particularly rowdy crazy stumbled past and almost knocked the board flying. Growling Will snapped, "Watch where you're going!" and gave him an evil glare to send him on his way, ignoring anyone else who may interrupt his game. This was his board, his quiet time.
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Sunday - June 7th, 2015

WHO: Dalyn and Nic
WHEN: Sunday, late afternoon.
WHERE: The nurse's station
WHAT: Dalyn is just starting to settle in.

Dalyn made his way down the main hall, just coming from the office and heading to the nurse's station before going to his room. He was kind of in a pissy mood, he did not want to be here, he did not want to be fucking seeing a shrink. Yeah he had anger issues but for fuck's sake he wasn't crazy or anything. He sighed as he tried to calm himself; okay so he wasn't a patient he was technically staff but if he fucked up, any one of the staff could tell the director and they would inform the judge and he would be fucked.

He passed by the main rooms and some patient rooms, and raised an eyebrow at how pretty some of the patients were, and was that girl naked? Jesus maybe he wouldn't mind it here so much. He went behind the nurse's station and looked for the schedule that was supposed to be left for him and smiled when he found it and saw that he didn't have a shift tonight. "Sweet."  He mumbled to himself as he folded the paper and shoved it into the pocket of his low cut jeans.

When he turned around he was surprised to see he wasn't alone anymore, of course he shouldn't have been surprised, there were quite a few patients and staff in the buildings now so there would be someone around. Unless of course you were in one of the closed off areas, which Dalyn was determined to visit sooner or later because he could not resist shit like that.
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