Sep. 16th, 2009


I did it again...

It's becoming a habit. At least it's one the benefits other people's obsessions, too!

I syndicated the merlinbbc comm from LJ onto IJ. It even works! (Aka it just spammed my flist with the "your new feed is now up and running" load.) You can find it at [info]merlinbbc_lj

P.S. I still take requests for setting up feeds here. So if you have a favourite comm or page you'd like to see here, let me know. (Note that not all will be syndicatable and not all will work either, but if they are I'll do it.)

Apr. 7th, 2009


Another feed

Since I'm clearly failing in writing fic or doing any other productive thing, I've created another feed.
[info]merlinxarthurlj. Beware, however, that LJ cuts on this feed DO NOT WORK. I have it on my flist and it's not too much of a bother, but you may want to create a filter for feeds or something if you have a lot of them. Or if scrolling through the occasional loooong post sucks too much. (I'm considering it *G*)

I've also noted that [info]bbcmerlinnewslj still does not work. If one hits the XML button on the info page, then the rss itself works. I can't guess what's up with it that makes it not get into IJ. I may open a support request, but I'm not sure I'll ever get it to work :-/ It seems the correct way of handling it would be to talk to LJ about the feed not functioning properly, but when it's not feeding into IJ but works in pure RSS form, I'm not sure...
Sorry if that was all gibberish to you *G* Just venting a frustration as well as trying to explain why my pretty feed doesn't work!

Also, if there are any requests for comms to be fed onto IJ, let me know and I'm up for creating them.

Apr. 1st, 2009


Experimenting with feeds

I've been trying to make feeds of a few Merlin things from LJ. So far I've created
[info]lolmerlins_lj which feeds from, obviously, lolmerlins on LJ... It clearly works.
I've also tried [info]bbcmerlinnewslj (guess where that feeds from *G*) which doesn't seem to work yet. I hope it will, though.

Hope you all enjoy!