March 1st, 2009

[info]elfflame in [info]merlin_fanworks

A few Arthur/Merlin recs to get us started

Practice Makes Perfect - Ximeria
Arthur/Merlin. One-shot. Merlin really isn't very good at being quiet. - R?

Bound - Elandrialore
Arthur/Merlin. One-shot. Spells are dangerous things. - NC-17

And You Are...? - Audrarose
Arthur/Merlin. One-shot. Arthur's lost his memory. - NC-17

Drastically Redefining Protocol - Rageprufrock
Arthur/Merlin. Long one-shot. Present-day AU. Prince Arthur meets Merlin for the first time. - NC-17
And an Epilogue:
They were supposed to go to Spain. A bit of D/s. Can be read without DRP, though there are a few minor references to it. - NC-17

[info]kabal42 in [info]merlin_fanworks

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Best of wishes,

[info]elfflame and [info]kabal42